not many
people know the intelligent Robert Frost's favorite colour but it is known to be the SHADE of black, but we do not know for sure...
ok Robert pattinson favorite color is.....................................................grayif you say so i heard it was GOLDrobert's fav colour is grey and it's mine too
Based on our information and our research we had concluded he is favorite color is green.
Gray </ SPAN> </ SPAN> </ P>
It is thought that Beethoven's favorite color was black or white
He said in a couple interviews that he didn't really have a favorite color.. But if he had to pick it would be either gray or black . He said gray in one interview & black in another interview! *(((:
his favorite hobby is football
Slapping his friend Taher
Robert frosts poems are modernist
Robert Pattison's favorite color is gray/black.
No People are saying she Is But She Is Not
New England's nature.
what is Robert Delaunay favorite colour
ok Robert pattinson favorite color is.....................................................grayif you say so i heard it was GOLDrobert's fav colour is grey and it's mine too
suck some wang