Bella's dad's name is Charley Swan. (played by Billy Burk in the movie) It is Charlie Swan.
Jacob in twilight isn't actually a werewolf he is a shape shifter as he doesn't posses all of the features of a werewolf because a werewolf bites people to turn them into werewolfs (their real name is children of the moon).Whereas Jacob was born into what he is but his family have stuck to just changing into werewolfes.
In Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga, Bella's daughter is Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-NEZ-may) Carlie Cullen.
Taylor Lautner plays Jacob Black in the Twilight series! He was about to get fired and not able to play Jacob in Eclipse because they said he didn't have enough muscle so he had to put on 30 pounds of muscle to keep his place!! I love Taylor Lautner
his dads
Bella's Biological Father is called Charlie Swan.
His name is Billy.
His name is Billy Black(:
her name in the book is Sarah
Is maranda cosgrove real dads name is jacob
Jacob Mozee
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Jacob Black's favorite color is says that in new moonGreenBlue and white.
In Twilight, Bella's father's name is Charlie Swan.
Rachel and Rebbecca.
His surname is Black!