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I just read Jonah Winter's book called "Dizzy" to my 5-year old son and was shocked to learn Dizzy's father was abusive to him as a child. Wanting to know more, I found the following passage written by Alyn Shipton: Mr. Gillespie's origins certainly did not presage a life of peace. Born in Cheraw, South Carolina, on 21 October 1917, Mr. Gillespie had a rough childhood. His strict father - a bricklayer and Saturday night musician - often whipped him, and the young Mr. Gillespie was correspondingly pugnacious. "I used to fight anybody, big, small, white or colored," Mr. Gillespie once said. "I was just a devil, a strong devil."

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becoming one of the greates trumpeters of all time

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Learning how to play the Trumpet and preforming to make people happy.

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Can you give a sentence with the word dizzy?

If I drink too much wine I feel dizzy. Spinning in circles will make you dizzy. I get so dizzy, I see stars!

He's dizzy. is it correct?

Yes, He's dizzy (He is dizzy) is a correct sentence. He is the subject, is is the verb (linking), and dizzy is a predicate adjective.

Is dizzy a action verb?

No dizzy is an adjective.