She would have named him EJ - Edward Jacob
Renesmee is a mix of Renee and Esmee.
Her middle name is, and might have been if she was a boy, Carlie - a mix of Carlisle and Charlie.
well she lives with the cullens for about a few weeks. but she really lives with edward and bella.their daughters name is Renesmee and, boy does she grow quick
Renesmee Carlie Cullen is the half-human, half-vampire child of Edward Anthony and Isabella "Bella" Marie Cullen. Renesmee drinks blood like an average vampire, and she grows at an immense rate. After two days of being born, she had already increased in size at an amazing pace. By the time Renesmee was 3, she looked like a 12 year old child. There are others, of her kind, for example, Nahuel, a hybird as Renesmee still is alive today- but is only 153 years older than her. Renesmee is also one of the talented vampires in he world. She has the ability to project an image into minds by one touch. When Bella found out Renesmee's power, she was astounded the same as many others they have encountered. Renesmee's name is an annoyance to many people, so Jacob Black nicnamed her "Nessie", even though Bella hates that name. Renesmee was named after Bella's mother, Renee, and Edward's mother, Esme. Together, she was named Renesmee. Renesmee's middle name, though, is not as confusing. Her middle name is Carlie. It was picked out by Bella's dad being Charlie, and Edward's dad being Carlisle. So, it is Carlie. The actress of this is Mackenzie Foy who was chosen by Stephenie Meyer.
Oh honey, let me fill you in. Bella and Edward do have a child together, a half-vampire, half-human cutie named Renesmee. So yes, they did the whole parenting thing in the "Twilight" series. But let's be real, that vampire-human hybrid situation is a whole other level of complicated.
According to Stephenie Meyer (, under the "Cullen Cars" link you will find that the bikes Bella, Jacob and Edward have are as follows... Jacob - Harley Sprint Bella - Honda Edward - Ducati (which he purchased during Eclipse) Photos of each motorcycle can be seen in this section on her website.
Sugar we're going down by fall out boy
Bella's baby is a girl, they name the baby Renesmee (a mix of Renee and Esmee)
Because Bella was going to call it EJ (Edward Jacob) if it was a boy, but it wasn't. So she named Renesmee after her Mum and Dad and her mother and father in law. Renesmee (Reneé+Esme) Carlie (Charlie+Carlise) Cullen.
Bella and Edwards child was named Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Renesmee = Renee+ Esme and Carlie = Charlie + Carlisle. Nick named " Nessie" by Jacob Black who imprinted her. If the baby was a boy it was going to be named "EJ" AKA Edward Jacob
If the baby was a boy, they were going to name him EJ which is short for, Edward Jacob, after his fathers name and Bella's best friend. If the baby was a girl, they'd name her Renesmee, a combination of Renee and Esmee put together the middle name would be carlie a combination of carlisle her father in law, and charlie her dads name the baby is actullay a girl so its name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
girl. Renesmee Cullen
She combined Renee, which is her mom's name and Esme, the motherly figure of the Cullen family, so therefore Edward's mom and her mom combined would make Renesmee. And it's not in Twilight that she names her, it's in Breaking Dawn. If the baby was a boy it be called Ej which is a combination of Edward (The baby's dad) and Jacob (its uncle figure)
Because she mixed Renee with Esme and if it were a boy she would of called him EJ (Edward mixed with Jacob).
If its a boy, EJ or Edward Jacob. If its a girl, Renesmee Carlie. The first name is a combination of Renee (Bella's mother) and Esme (Edward's "mother"). The middle name is a combination of Carlisle (Edward's "father") and Charlie (Bella's dad).
Well, here is the story. Bella got pregnate and they couldn't figure out if it was a boy or a girl. So at first Bella assumed it would be a boy. She wanted to name it Ej. Then, when her baby came out, it was a girl. So she combined Renee and Esme's names. For the middle name, they combined Carlisle and Charlie and it ended up as Carlie. So that's Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
In Breaking Dawn, Bella was going to name her baby EJ. She wanted to name her baby after Edward.
It was her and edward son but she wind up have renesmee instead
Boy= EJ; Edward Jacob. Girl= Renesmee; a combination of "Renée" & "Esme".