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Q: What types of plays might appeal to different types of audiences?
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Why did average people of Shakespeare's time like the theater?

It was entertaining. The authors of the plays wrote the kind of material that their audiences would like--they had to, or their actors would be booed off the stage. So the plays would be different for different audiences. A play like Titus Andronicus or The Spanish Tragedy with lots of gore and shock scenes would appeal to the same demographic as the Saw movies do today. A romantic comedy like Much Ado About Nothing would appeal to the same group as a film like You've Got Mail. Henry V would appeal to the action movie crowd. Some plays, like Love's Labour's Lost or Satiromastix, were clearly written for a highbrow crowd like that found at court. Audiences don't change much; people from today enjoy Shakespeare's plays too, provided they are the right plays.

Why do complex characters in shakespeare plays appeal to wide audience?

Complex characters in Shakespeare plays appeal to a wide audience because they reflect the depth and contradictions of human nature, making them relatable and emotionally resonant. Their multifaceted personalities allow for various interpretations and connections on a personal level, appealing to a diverse range of viewers with different experiences and perspectives. Shakespeare's intricate characterizations bring a richness and realism to his plays that captivate and engage audiences across time and cultures.

Who did the Greeks perform plays in honor of?


Are children good target audiences?

Audiences for what? For plays or magic tricks or something about toys, yes. For speeches about politics, probably not.

What did audiences do at the Globe Theatre?

Watch Shakespearean plays (during Shakespeare's lifetime.)

How did the audiences participate in the plays?

When and where? Your question must contain this information in order to be answered.

Who wrote plays that poked fun at politicians that encouraged audiences to think?

The answer is Aristophanes

Why might modern audiences find value in William Shakespeare's works centuries after his death?

Modern audiences DO, as a matter of incontrovertible fact, find value in Shakespeare's works centuries after his death.There is no "might" about it. The most important value the plays have is entertainment value. They are hugely entertaining because they have interesting stories, compelling characters, thought-provoking themes and the most incredibly and explosively powerful language ever created in English.

What audiences focus on in a play the most?

The types of audiences that focus on the play the most depends on the types of plays. For instance, if there is an audience that prefers shakespear they would not so much enjoy a play of CATS.

Why did Shakespeare's plays appeal to everyone?

Shakespeare's plays appeal to us because the language he used and the way he wrote was full of techniques and meaning. He used Greek mythology and the Elizabethan ages to set his stories.

What subject did Tudor audiences most love in their plays?

They had several favourites: revenge, love, and history were top of the list.

How were William Shakespeare plays usually received?

they were taken by surprise some people liked them some people didn't do not watch any of his plays! they will kill you as surely as they killed osama bin laden!