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brass- Trombone Trumpet french horn. instrument with brass

wood winds- clarinets, flutes, saxophones??. instruments usually with reeds..

wood that vibrates while blowing (wind) or with holes like recorder.

string- guitar, violin, bah blah blah. any instruments with strings not all the time.

percussion- drums vibraphone piano. instruments with vibration

I play the trombone,,,just saying and the Oboe is also a wood wind. ps it sounds like a duck ugh

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13y ago
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15y ago

Pipe, electronic and reed. The pipe organ comes in two types: tracker action where the keys are connected to the pipes by a series of sliders, a completely mechanical action. The electro-pneumatic action was developed along with electricity in the late 1800s allowing for the keyboard to be separated from the chests and is in common use today. The harmonica is also called a mouth organ.

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13y ago

In general terms there are three:

1. Pipe organ

2. Reed organ

3. Electronic organ

These can be sub divided. For instance:

There are four major types of pipe organs: Church, theater, concert and residence.

There are six major styles of classical pipe organ building. Germanic, French, Italian, Spanish, English and American which can be further sub-divided according to specific regions, time and time period.

There are also hybrid organs which are combination pipe / electronic.

Hammond "tone wheel" organs are technically electro-mechanical organs because their tone generators consist of arrays of rotating wheels.

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12y ago

There's Clarinet, oboe, Saxophone, Flute, drums (percussion), trombone, etc.

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10y ago

There are hundreds of Musical Instruments. It would be difficult to determine an exact number because of the possibility of new instruments being created on a regular basis.

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12y ago

The different types include

brass, woodwind, string, percussion, and electric

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13y ago

Too many to list. Get a copy of William H. Barn's The Contemporary American Organ. it contains a wealth of information on the inner-workings of pipe organs.

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14y ago

Brass, Percussion, Strings, and Woodwind.

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12y ago

brass,percussion,strings and woodwind

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