The Jonas brothers have been spotted wearing standard white briefs. This allows the brothers to wear tighter pants during concerts.
none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!! none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick Jonas wears both boxers and breifs. it said it depends on what he is wearing.
He doesn't wear underwear he only wears boxers called Calvin Klein
He wears boxers
Tighty Whities [briefs]
none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!! none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!!
No! Kevin is too old to wear flower underwear. Besides, flowers are girly.
joe Jonas wears boxers and one of them are pink
no he dosent at least i think.
no he wears tighty wighty LOL i don't know what kind of underwear he wears
Yes they do
probably not. but he does wear tighty whities
Clothing When their in school on the show they wear uniforms (they are real cute).When they are out of school on the show they wear the type of clothes they wear in real life.
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