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Q: What type of music is most often used to tell a traditional story about a culture?
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What type of music is most often used to tell a tradition story about a culture?


A traditional story that becomes the basis for culture and belief's is called what?


What is setting time and place in the story Makato and the Cowrie Shells?

The setting of the story "Makato and the Cowrie Shells" is a village in Africa where Makato, a young boy, lives. The time period is not specified, but the story is often associated with traditional African folklore and culture.


A folktale is a traditional story that has been passed down orally through generations within a culture. It often features moral lessons, supernatural elements, and characters that embody cultural values.

What aspects of Culture did Africans retain?

music ,dance ,religion,story telling etc.

What is most important in country music?

a good song, often with a good story

How is folk music passed down generations?

From person-to-person. Legends are usually oral narrations that are perceived by both teller and listeners. Theses stories are traditional tales that have important meaning or symbolism for the culture in which it originates from.

What type of sentence is a traditional story that has been widely accepted as truth?

A traditional story that has been widely accepted as truth is a myth. Myths are often passed down through generations and have cultural or religious significance.

What is another word for a story told for many year?

A traditional story passed down through generations is often referred to as a legend.

What is a ballad poem?

A ballad poem is a narrative poem that tells a story, often focusing on folklore or legends. It typically follows a rhyme scheme and a simple, repetitive structure, making it easy to remember and recite orally. Ballads often feature a refrain and are commonly associated with traditional forms of folk music.

How do you make a story traditional?

To make a story "Traditional" it would have to be told all around the world. Or you could tell a traditional story. It really depends on what you consider traditional. ~7th Grader~

Jamaica Kincaids story Girl what does benna mean?

Benna Music is a type of Antiguan music that became popular after the prohibiton of slavery. It was a very nationalistic type of music, a type that the British probably did not enjoy hearing. Saying "don't sing Benna is Sunday school" refers to both the sexuality that is often involved in Benna music, and the colonizors keeping Antiguan tradition out of their traditional place: chruch