you should wear boxers because not only r they more attractive but if u wear briefs, you could get a wedgie and that will hurt!
Boxers are more boxers....I'm gay, but I deffinately like it when guys wear boxers, or at least boxer briefs....Hope that helps!
Always briefs, because boxers don't hold you in place when you're running and all the bouncing around between your legs will irritate you out of your mind. I tried Basketball withour briefs once and it drove me up the wall!
Boxer Briefs. Him and Benji have stated this in numerous interviews.
he wears clavin klein boxer briefs, he did a modeling for charity, this was what he was wearing,
Boxer shorts and really tight briefs in which you can see how "endowed" he is. He wears boxers
I remember hearing in an interview that he wears briefs most of the time, except when he's on set, in which case he wears boxers! This is just something I it may be unofficial, but it was on an interview (that may or may not have been fake)
in side ring thong out side briefs - boxers
Wear boxers sometimes, wear briefs sometimes.
i am from England we wear briefs boxers briefs and boxers all kind of underwear all older men wear briefs all teens boxers briefs so that helped you
Why wouldn't you just wear boxer briefs by themselves? Best of both worlds. (differnt person) you should only wear what fell good in so if is boxers or boxers briefsor briefs
boxers from his wife
they wear boxers according to an interview
Boxers because he's got to much stuff down there for briefs!!!!!!
he doesnt wear boxers, he wears briefs
Zac Efron wears briefs Justin bieber briefs / boxers briefs Ryan briefs john cena Briefs
why not just wear briefs