Glee is shown on FOX in America. And in the UK E4. You can also view full episodes on
So many felt such glee after the event."Yes! We got the part!" She said gleefully.Fox's Glee is a hit T.V. show.
The youngest actor on glee is the new boy.
Amber Riley plays Mercedes Jones on Glee.
you can watch them on channel 4 player .4OD (on demand) . or E4 (and you can watch them on as well)
Turn your TV on to channel 8, at 8:00-10:00 PM in time. RAW is on channel 36, at 9:00-11:00 PM in time. TNA is on channel 62, at 9:00-11:00 in time. Last, NXT is on channel 38, at 8:00-10:00 in time. This message was made by Donny Heitler
Glee is on channel 13.
There is no channel just for Glee.
It depends on where you live and which channel it is on in your area
Glee is on channel 6 WZTV for Comcast.
Glee airs on Tuesday nights, Global at 8 PM (EST)
the cool channel
You can watch Glee on Fox Channel 8.
channel 4!
FOX. channel 5
Glee is on FOX everywhere. It is on tuesday.