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12 rounds, the marines,fred:the movie,and Hannah MontanaForever

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13y ago

The Marine, 12 Rounds and Legendary.

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Q: What the name of john cena movie?
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What is John cena first name?

John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.

What is the birth name of John Cena?

John Cena's birth name is John Felix Anthony Cena.

What is John Cena's middle name?

John Felix Anthony Cena

What is john cena's full and real name?

(john Felix Anthony cena) is john cena's full name

What is the name of the pug in the beginning of the movie 12 rounds with john cena?

Shorty! :)

What is John cean's real name?

john MoralesJohn Cena's real name is John Felix Anthony Cena

Is john cena's name jonh cena?

john cenas real name is john Felix Anthony cena awesome

What was the name of the movie that john cena starred in and had to rescue his kidnapped wife?

The movie is called 12 Rounds

What is John Cena's mom and dad's name?

His mother's name is Carol Cena and his dad's name is John Cena Sr.

What is john cena's name?

John Cena is his real name his nickname is "The DR of Thuganomics"

What is john cena's facebook name?

John Cena real

Who will be playing Fred father in the movie?

The one and only JOHN CENA.