decresendo is where the music becomes softer. It is an Italian word meaning growing softer. hope that helpedIt means gradually getting quieter (diminuendo means the same). Crescendo means gradually getting louder.
The term 'croon a dong' simply means for one to hum a deep loud sound. The term dong is a Vietnamese word for describing a deep sound. The word croon means to hum loudly.
A cresendo is when start soft and work your way up. Actually, that's not exactly correct. Crescendo simply means to gradually get louder. You don't necessarily start soft, you get louder from whatever volume level you are currently playing.
From the Harvard dictionary of Music: poco means ' little', and ritardando means "gradually lackening in speed' ( or, slowing down ). SO,it means a small--not very much- slowing up of the tempo.
The term is Ritardando.
The musical term, "dynamics," refers to the volume at which the performer should play the music. For example, "forte" means loud, while "piano" means soft and "crescendo" means to get gradually louder, while "decrescendo" means to get gradually softer. Dynamic terms mostly originate from the Italian language.
The Italian term for loud is 'forte'
The Italian term that means to gradually decrease volume is "diminuendo." This term instructs musicians to gradually play or sing more softly.
The Italian term for gradually increasing volume is "crescendo."
Crescendo means gradually getting louder, in music terms.
The Italian term for gradually increasing volume is "crescendo." It is indicated on sheet music by the symbol "<" or the word "cresc."
piu means "more" ( Compare the Latin word plus) piu forte means "more loud" , that is "louder".
Mezzo Forte is a musical term that means medium loud.
Loud would be represented with the word forte (f). Very loud would be fortissimo (ff). Suddenly loud would be sfz (sforzando) Somewhat loud would be mf(mezzo forte)
The term for gradually becoming softer in music is "diminuendo."