From the Harvard dictionary of Music: poco means ' little', and ritardando means
"gradually lackening in speed' ( or, slowing down ).
SO,it means a small--not very much- slowing up of the tempo.
The term is Ritardando.
Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.
rit. or ritard.
In music, senza ritardando means without slowing, in other words keep the tempo.
adagio Ritardando ... the term 'adagio' is a tempo, not the act of slowing down.
Legato is the indication for the movement of entire composition to play smoothly.
The term is Ritardando.
Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.
In music, senza ritardando means without slowing, in other words keep the tempo.
rit. or ritard.
In music, senza ritardando means without slowing, in other words keep the tempo.
Ritardando means to gradually slow down the tempo or speed of the music, while accelerando means to gradually speed up the tempo of the music. Ritardando is marked with "rit." or "ritard." in the score, while accelerando is marked with "accel." or "accelerando."
rallentando or ritardando
adagio Ritardando ... the term 'adagio' is a tempo, not the act of slowing down.
Accelerando (gradually getting faster).
The musical term that means to slow tempo is ritardando. If you'd like to slow the tempo very quickly you'd call it a molto ritardando.
Lento or Ritardando