Ritardando ... the term 'adagio' is a tempo, not the act of slowing down.
Rall is an abbreviation. It stands for Rallentando an Italian word meaning to gradually slow down, or slacken, the tempo.
decresendo is where the music becomes softer. It is an Italian word meaning growing softer. hope that helpedIt means gradually getting quieter (diminuendo means the same). Crescendo means gradually getting louder.
Help by the beatles , when hes says " I'm feeling down" the music comes down 2 or 3 steps
It is called word painting. An example could be when singing the word "Up," the word would be sung in a high note compared to "Down," in a lower note
A Sanskrit word for music.
Rall is an abbreviation. It stands for Rallentando an Italian word meaning to gradually slow down, or slacken, the tempo.
It comes from music and crescendo means gradually getting louder in music.
decreasing 2nd Answer: "Deceleration", actually.
In music crescendo mean to get gradually louder.
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Deceleration is another word for acceleration while slowing down. It refers to the rate at which an object's velocity decreases over time.
"Ritard." It normally appears abbreviated rit.
Deceleration or negative acceleration
There is no such word as 'slowering'. You can use 'slow' or 'slowing' instead. Jim pressed the button to slow down the machine. Jim pressed the button, slowing down the machine.
the word in music that means gradually getting louder and louder is a cresendo!