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It is called word painting. An example could be when singing the word "Up," the word would be sung in a high note compared to "Down," in a lower note

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Q: What is it called when the words mimic the music?
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When the words mimic the music it is called?

It is called word painting. An example could be when singing the word "Up," the word would be sung in a high note compared to "Down," in a lower note

What are some words with the latin root mim?

Some words with the Latin root "mim" include mimic, mime, and mimicry. These words all relate to the idea of imitating or copying something.

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The theme music is called "If I Had Words."

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A word that's an imitation of the sound associated with it (like a Buzz Saw, RumblingThunder or the Hissof a Snake) is called an onomatopoeia

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antic, basic, comic, cubic, conic, havoc, lyric, music, mimic Those are the words I could think of on the spot.

What is it when a word imitates a sound?

When a word imitates a sound it is called onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words mimic the sounds they describe, such as "buzz" or "meow".

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Copy, Imitate, or Impersonate.

The use of words whose sounds make you think of their meanings is called what?

The use of words whose sounds mimic their meanings is called onomatopoeia. This literary device creates a sensory or auditory connection between the word and the phenomenon it describes.

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What is Another name for mimic?

well there are many and here is a website to go to and u look up the word mimic and it will tell your more words.