The 'Arkenstone', which was found when the realm of Erebor was established. It is also called the 'Heart of the Mountain' and is considered a sacred stone. It is a pale jewel with a 1000 facets.
Thorin vows to kill anyone who withholds the Arkenstone .
Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain.
Thorin Oakenshield is a dwarf. He normally wears a sky-blue hood and has a beard. He might have a resemblance to Gimli (Gimli being Gloin's son, and Gloin is the third cousin of Thorin)
Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo took the Arkenstone. It was the treasure Thorin desired most.
The Blarney Stone.
take your pickaxe and mine stone, its the most simple thing to do in the game
Very big, enchanted-looking, with engraved words saying, 'Whosoever can pull this sword from the stone is the true king of Britain."
Gandalf did, he tricked the trolls into talking until the sun came out and then they turned to stone. :)
Jeffrey Thorin was born in 1961.
{| |- | Gandalf did not give Thorin a gold chain. Gandalf gave Thorin the key that he had gotten from Thorin's father. Thorin then took the key and placed it on a gold chain that he was wearing around his neck. |}
Thorin is not a place, he is a dwarf, son of Thror.
Thorin Oakenshield was created in 1937.
Olof Thorin died in 2004.
Jeffrey Thorin was born in 1961.