In the film Eugene was an Olympic swimmer before he became paralyzed.
Jerome had the perfect genes for swimming but only received a silver medal.
***MAJOR SPOILER***At the end of Gattaca, Jerome Eugene Morrow committed suicide. He managed to climb into the furnace where Vincent Freedman had burned his (Vincent's) cells and turned it on, thus killing himself and destroying all evidence that there was more than one Jerome Morrow.
Yes ofcourse
Vincent is considered an in-valid. Jerome is a valid. Vincent needed Jerome's genes to work at Gattaca.
Jude Law as Jerome Eugene Morrow in Gattaca
Jerome had the perfect genes for swimming but only received a silver medal.
The movie Gattaca stars Ethan Hawke as Vincent "Jerome Morrow" Freemen, Jude Law as Jerome "Eugene" Morrow, and Uma Thurman as Irene Cassini. Alan Arkin is a publicized actor in Gattaca; however, it is purely for publicity purposes, as his role as Detective Hugo is a minor one.
The duration of Gattaca is 1.77 hours.
Gattaca was created on 1997-10-24.
Gattaca was released on 10/24/1997.
The Production Budget for Gattaca was $36,000,000.
vincent worked as a janitor at gattaca.
Eugene get his Silver Medal in the Swimming competition.
Eugene Monroe plays for the Baltimore Ravens.