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On Selena Gomez song Hit the lights one of the lyrics said "But your to Damn scared to fly" dont believe me hear her song on YouTube :)

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Q: What songs did Selena gomez curse in?
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Do Selena Gomez curse?


Who's songs are better Deftones or Selena gomez?

I think Selena Gomez has better songs than deftones. I am a fan of deftones but i like Selena Gomez better.

How many songs does Selena gomez has?

Hi, Selena Gomez: 53 songs Some are from the Disney tracks and movie songs, and the others are from her 3 albums!

How many songs has selena gomez have?

32 songs

Does Selena Gomez have cusswords in her songs?


Does Selena Gomez say curse words?

she does not curse she is a sweet kind helping lady

How many songs has Selena gomez made?

Selena Gomez has made 40 songs

How many songs did Selena write and name them?

Selena Gomez wrote 6 songs

What kind does Selena gomez play?

Selena Gomez sings love songs and songs that make you feel happy about your self. Also very groovy songs.

Which Selena Gomez's songs are written by her?

Birthday is one of Selena Gomez's song that has been written by her.

How many songs does Selena Gomez have 2012?

She has 45 songs.

Who wrights Selena Gomez songs?

Britney Spears, Selena Gomez, etc. You can check on the covers of her CDs