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Q: What side should the tie always be written from the note stems?
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What is the PH and conductivity in DM water?

By definition, the pH of demineralized water is 7.0. Note that "pH" is always written exactly like this "pH", so why not join the rest of the world and do so? Note, for abbreviations like DM, the "demineralized" should always be written out in full on its first appearnce. Otherewise, most people will not know what on Earth you mean. D.A.W.

What does the bar hanging from a note mean in music?

The line hanging from a note is called a stem. The variations in the stems help tell how long/ short a note is.

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Draw the note-heads in two desired pitches and color them. Draw stems as you draw for quarter notes. Draw a beam joining the two edges of the stems.

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Thank you notes for any gifts should always be written. It is okay to give a co-worker the thank you note on January 2, or what ever day is the first work day after New Year's day.

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Note Lur'e has written: 'Step' zovet'

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climbed Note the name of the boy should always be capitalized [ Steven ].

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You should always leave a letter or note if you must leave in an emergency. This is so that everyone knows what happened to you.

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As a cause letter usually means bad news for the employee, it should be written in a business format. The tone should be kept as neutral as possible as if it was a mere note.

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Death Note was written in 2003-2006 by Ohba Tsugumi and Asami Yuuko.

Which sentence is gramnatically correct - is it i am on the estat or i am in the estate?

I am on the estate. Note: the upper-case 'I' should always be used when referring to yourself, not the lower-case 'i'.

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MHz (Hertz is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, therefore is capitalised.)

What does a note mean in a dream?

There is not enough information to provide an answer. A "note" might be a brief written message, or it could be a musical note. Additional details from the dream such as the message of the written note - or the context of the musical note - are needed for a reliable interpretation.