I'm assuming that you're asking "What is 2-part harmony?". 2-part harmony, though often referring to vocal music, is any music written for one main instrument type (with optional background accompaniment) where two different melody lines are written. The song itself is called a duet (written for two), while the actual interaction of the two different melody lines at the same time is called 2-part harmony.
yes, but only if it it coptrighted
he has LOVE written on his left wrist,music notes around his right wrist,a heart on his left pinkey, a broken heart on his right pinkey, SCRIBLE MAN is on his left side,he has a scrible on his left and right arms, a pic of a woman screaming on his right arm, what looks to be a DEMONIC BABY on his right hand, a scorpian that turns in to a praying mantis on the left side of his neck , and he has what looks to be a BUDDAH on his right leg...thats all of em for now
Critic is write answer
The Music Man
Write the sharp or flat symbol to the left of the note which needs to be sharped or flatted. Accidentals written before a note are never placed to the right of the note which needs to be raised or lowered.
Geoffrey Bush has written: 'Musical creation and the listener' -- subject(s): Analysis, appreciation, Music, Music appreciation 'Left, right and centre' -- subject(s): Composers, Composition (Music)
In the Classical Period (1750-1825), the music is written in homophonics: the right hand playing the melody and the left hand playing an accompaniment.
J. Si Millican has written: 'Starting out right' -- subject(s): Instruction and study, Bands (Music)
Formulas for reactants are usually placed on the left and products are usually placed on the right.
So that everyone else could enjoy the music as the composer was able to envision it in his/her mind. Music is the international language of the world.
When running iOS 7 , iTunes Radio is right inside your Music app. By default, the Radio button is placed in the bottom-left corner of the app.
The song "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter" was written by Fred E. Ahlert (music) and Joe Young (lyrics). It was popularized by Fats Waller in 1935.
It looks like 200,000 when written. A comma is normally placed between every three numbers from right to left.
The majority of diners are right-handed. So the glass placed on the right is the most probable position.
The captain is NOT "placed in right hand side". In all aircraft the captain is on the left side.
Music Has the Right to Children was created on 1998-04-20.