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6th thru 8th grade.

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Q: What reading level is Breaking Dawn?
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What Accelerated Reading level is 'Breaking Dawn'?

It has a 4.8 reading level and is worth 28 points.

What reading level is twilight?

I would say ages 12 and up. There are some mature themes in Breaking dawn, though

Who is casting in twilight Breaking Dawn and when is breaking dawn coming out and is Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in twilight breaking dawn?

definite yes to the last one, i recommend reading the books!

In eclipse does Bella marry edward?

No, they got engaged in eclipse but married in Breaking dawn the fourth bookNo, they get married in Breaking Dawn. I highly sugget reading the book it is worth your time.

Did you feel happy or sad after reading breaking dawn?

neither angry

What is the reading order of her books?

1.Twilight 2.New Moon 3.Eclipse 4.Breaking Dawn :)

What is Breaking Dawn Rated and why?

Breaking Dawn will be PG-13.

What is the tone of Breaking Dawn?

in means a verge of breaking dawn

Breaking Dawn spoiler?

there is a breaking dawn spoiler on

Is Breaking Dawn appropriate for chilldren age 11?

Yes it is, I am 11 and I love them,but I am an advanced reader, it just dpends on your reading level because it is really for, like, 15 year olds. I am 11 and I'm an expert on Twilight. My parents didn't mind me reading it, but it is at a high reading level and it is a bit innappropriate, so you should really ask your parents before you read it.

When is Breaking Dawn realisng?

Breaking Dawn part 1: November 2011 Breaking Dawn part 2: November 2012

What is the name of the second Breaking dawn film?

The second movie of the breaking dawn book will be called breaking dawn part two.