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Oliver Wood is keeper and quidditch captain. When he graduates, Harry takes his place as quidditch captain.

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He went on to play for Puddlemore United after graduating from Hogwarts in 1994.

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Puddlemere United

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Q: Which quidditch team did Oliver Wood become reserve keeper for?
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Who was the quidditch keeper for gryforndor in the first Harry Potter book?

Oliver Wood!

Who is the Quidditch Keeper in Harry Potter after Oliver Wood graduates?

Ron Weasly

Who fell off his broom in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Keeper. He was hit in the stomach by a Bludger hit by a Slytherin Beater

What protects the goals in Quidditch?

In Harry Potter, the person who protects the goals in Qudditch is the Keeper.

Who were harry potters teammates for gryffindor quidditch?

ailcia sppinnet chaser katie bell chaser angelina jhonston chaser oliver wood keeper fred and george weasely beaters and.....HARRY seeker

How long has Oliver Wood been keeper at Hogwarts?

In 1991, Oliver Wood was in his fifth year at Hogwarts and was both Keeper and captain. He couldn't have joined the team in his first year as it isn't allowed, but to become captain you need to have previously been on the team so it is likely Oliver joined in his second year and had been Keeper for four years. This would mean he had been keeper for six years when he left school.

Who was the best keeper ever?

i would have to say oliver khan. fantastic goal keeper.

What Quidditch position does Harry Potter play in The Half Blood Prince?

Harry plays Seeker throughout the books.

What position does Oliver Zelenika play?

Oliver Zelenika plays as a Goal Keeper for Croatia.

How old was Oliver Wood in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Oliver Wood was the Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He helped Harry Potter to understand the basics on how to play Quidditch in Harry's 1st year at Hogwarts. Ron Weasley succeded to be Keeper after Wood left Hogwarts.

How do you score at Harry Potter quidditch?

You score in Quidditch by throwing the red quaffle through one of the giant gold hoops that are about fifty feet off the ground on poles, protected by the keeper. x

Did Hermione Granger ever play quidditch?

Although she was often frustrated with Ron and Harry's enthusiasm for the game, Hermione has played quidditch with them. In the beginning of Chapter Six of the Half-Blood Prince it states: He spent most of his days playing two-a-side Quidditch in the Weasley's orchid (he and Hermione against Ron and Ginny; Hermione was dreadful and Ginny good , so they were reasonably well matched). However, she never played on any of the house teams.