Mr Duval Scott is a fictitious character (a store keeper) created by comedian Jerry Clower.
theme of keeper 'n me
the crypt keeper is a puppet made to represent the skeletal remains of a very short man.I was going to go with that the Crypt Keeper is genderless.In all official documentation Crypt keeper is referred to as "He"
The duration of Keeper of the Flame - film - is 1.67 hours.
That depends on which house you're talking about. Bill is Secret Keeper for Shell Cottage. Dumbledore is secret keeper for 12 Grimmauld Place.
"Keeper of the Lost Cities" by Shannon Messenger has 488 pages.
Himitsu no ban'nin
there isn't one.
Dream Keeper was created in 1991.
Trapper Keeper was created in 1978.
Keeper of the Castle was created in 1972.
Keeper of the Doves was created in 2002.
Keeper of the Door was created in 1919.
Brew Keeper was created in 1997.
My Mother's Keeper was created in 1985.
Keeper of the Archives was created in 1634.
The Sweet Keeper was created in 1990.