electro harmonix small clone
He acually Used multiple kind of guns in the clone wars He use the dual pistols the long blasters and the normal blaster.
What clone? Fives, Rex, Echo and Cody are in it and as far as i know the other clone names are unown
Kazune is a clone because his father can ONLY make Kazune a clone of him.
This was the first movie of the Clone Wars. It is called, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"
Jango Fett's DNA was used to create the clone troopers in Star Wars. Tam We was the character that did the actual cloning of the troopers in the series.
The clone does not have a parent. the serogate mother is not the parent, she is just the birth mother. She and a male did not create the clone, the clone was placed inside of her for her to birth. The organism who's DNA was replicated to create the clone, is also not the parent. Just an exact copy. :)
To create my own undead army!
name tom brady,
yes its called www.star warsfags.com.co.usder
What is cross breeding
First one must get hold of the clone subject's blood. just one drop will do. add some H1N62T and there you go!!
First go to clone wars adventures . com and type in the redeem code slot and type cwagift10 the create a new character
The term clone is derived from κλών, the Greek word for "twig, branch", referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig.
Because, we can't clone anything at all right now.
nucleus transfer
Arc. It's where electrical resistance is used to create the heat for the welding process.