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it is a historian.

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Q: What phrase is correct an historian or a historian?
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What is the correct name for a historian's 'clues'?

The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

Is it a historian or is it an historian?

the second is correct, although the first is more colloquially accepted now.

Which is correct an historian or a historian?

Both "an historian" and "a historian" are correct, but generally "a historian" is more commonly used. The use of "an historian" follows British English rules of using "an" before words that begin with a silent 'h'.

What is the correct name for clues?

The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

What is the correct name for historians 'clue'?

The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

Why do we say 'an historian' instead of 'a historian'?

Both "a historian" and "an historian" are correct, as people may pronounce the 'h' in historian either silently or with a slight aspirated sound. In British English, it is more common to use "an historian" due to the way the 'h' is pronounced.

Is beared no resemblance a correct phrase?

If you are referring to this sentence, no, it does not resemble a correct phrase AT ALL.

Is the phrase in the hopes that correct or in the hope that?

'In the hope that' is the correct phrase.

What is the correct name for someone who studies history?

A Historian.

Correct the sentence fluidity of love?

This is not a sentence it is a phrase and as a phrase it is correct.

How do you spell phrase?

That is the correct spelling of "phrase" (word group, or to use specific words).

Which one of this is correct Did they or did them?

The correct phrase is "Did they?".