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The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

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Q: What is the correct name for a historian's 'clues'?
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What are historians' clues called?

Historians' clues are called sources, which can include written documents, archaeological artifacts, oral histories, and other forms of evidence that provide insight into the past. These sources are used by historians to reconstruct and interpret historical events and processes.

What are four things historians use to find clues?

Historians use primary sources such as documents and artifacts, secondary sources like books and articles, oral histories from witnesses, and archaeological evidence to find clues about the past.

What is the coorect meaning of historian's 'clues'?

In history, clues are pieces of evidence or information that help historians understand the past. These clues can be documents, artifacts, or even oral histories that provide insights into events, people, and societies of earlier times. By examining and interpreting these clues, historians can reconstruct and analyze historical events and trends.

What clues do historians use to study the past?

Historians use a variety of clues to study the past, including written records, archaeological artifacts, artwork, oral histories, and scientific analysis of materials like carbon dating. These clues help them piece together a more complete picture of past events, societies, and cultures. Comparing and cross-referencing different sources allows historians to build a more accurate understanding of historical events.

What clues did historians use?

Historians use a variety of clues to piece together the past, including written records, artifacts, architecture, artwork, and oral history. They also utilize scientific methods such as carbon dating and archaeological techniques to uncover and analyze evidence. By combining these different sources of information, historians can construct a more accurate understanding of historical events and societies.

Related questions

What is the correct name for clues?

The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

What is the correct name for historians 'clue'?

The correct name for a historian's 'clue' is sources.

What are historians' clues called?

Historians' clues are called sources, which can include written documents, archaeological artifacts, oral histories, and other forms of evidence that provide insight into the past. These sources are used by historians to reconstruct and interpret historical events and processes.

What are four things historians use to find clues?

Historians use primary sources such as documents and artifacts, secondary sources like books and articles, oral histories from witnesses, and archaeological evidence to find clues about the past.

What is the coorect meaning of historian's 'clues'?

In history, clues are pieces of evidence or information that help historians understand the past. These clues can be documents, artifacts, or even oral histories that provide insights into events, people, and societies of earlier times. By examining and interpreting these clues, historians can reconstruct and analyze historical events and trends.

What clues do historians use to study the past?

Historians use a variety of clues to study the past, including written records, archaeological artifacts, artwork, oral histories, and scientific analysis of materials like carbon dating. These clues help them piece together a more complete picture of past events, societies, and cultures. Comparing and cross-referencing different sources allows historians to build a more accurate understanding of historical events.

Why is the eruption of mt vesuvious important to historians?

It is important to historians, as it has left alot of artefacts and alot of ancient ruins, which give out lots of facts, and clues, on how the romans lived.

What clues did historians use?

Historians use a variety of clues to piece together the past, including written records, artifacts, architecture, artwork, and oral history. They also utilize scientific methods such as carbon dating and archaeological techniques to uncover and analyze evidence. By combining these different sources of information, historians can construct a more accurate understanding of historical events and societies.

What kind of clues does a historian look for?

Historians look for facts and cluesto what life would have been like in the past

How do historians investigate the past?

they think about clues they got when they find artifact's from prehistory that how historians investigate the past.

What is the name of the 10 39 Clues book?

The name of the 10th 39 clues book is Into The Gauntlet.

How do historians work?

Schools- Teacher Museums- Curator, Collections Manager, Education Officer, Conservator Archivist Editing and Publishing writtings about history and such i guess Consulting and contracting projects and the such