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Q: What page on starlight did tallstar die on?
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Was Bluestar or Tallstar older?

In terms of their birth date Tallstar is older than Bluestar. (Bluestar was still a kit when Tallstar was an apprentice)Tallstar also lived longer than Bluestar. He died in Starlight while Bluestar lost her last life in A Dangerous Path.

Which leader dies in the book starlight of the warrior series?

I think it is Tallstar of Windclan because he dies after the great journey when they reach their new home.

What page in starlight did sorreltail have kits?

She started kitting on page 311

Which warrior cats die of age?

One of them is Tallstar. Another one is Pinestar.

What are Tallstar's names?

Warrior-Apprentice: Tallpaw Warrior: Talltail Deputy: Talltail Leader: Tallstar MAIN: Tallstar

Why does Tallstar have to die?

He didn't HAVE to die, Erin Hunter just thought it was time for a younger cat to step up as leader.

Who is Tallstar's mother?

Tallstar's mother is Sandgorse.

In the Warriors book series in what book on what page was the Moonpool found?

In Starlight, pages 263-264.

What was tallstar's warrior name?

His warrior name is Talltail. He is mentioned in Bluestar's Prophecy.

What happened to Tallstar in Moonrise?

In "Moonrise," Tallstar, the WindClan leader, dies of a coughing fit. His deputy, Mudclaw, had been preparing to take over leadership, but Tallstar appoints Onewhisker as his successor instead. Tallstar reveals this decision before passing away, leaving WindClan in Onewhisker's paws.

How do you do the dance for 1 flow challenge on ourworld?

Go to the starlight lounge and click on your dance moves! (they are at the bottom right of your page).

Did tallstar have any kits?

Yes, Tallstar had a son named Jake who he gave up for adoption. Jake was later known as Redtail and became ThunderClan's deputy.