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There is no attack by Jack's tribe on Ralph and his followers. Jack led a night-time raiding party, comprising of himself, Roger and Maurice, to steal Piggy's glasses in chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses.

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Jack steals the fire from Ralph in Lord of the Flies on the bottom of page 166 and the top of 167.

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Who accompanies jack to steal the fire from ralph?

In William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies," it is Jack's group of savages who accompany him to steal fire from Ralph's camp. They violently attack Ralph and the other boys to steal the fire and assert their control over the island.

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the guy who accompanies jack along with Robert to steal fire from Ralph's group

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You let the fire go out Quotein lord of the flies?

Ralph spoke. "You let the fire go out."

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Who says We don't want another night without fire Lord of the flies?

Ralph says this line in "Lord of the Flies." It is a reflection of the desperation and fear that the boys feel as they struggle to maintain a signal fire on the island to attract rescue.

Who are the only bugns who have remained with Ralph in the lord of the flies?

The boys who stick with Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" are Piggy, Sam, and Eric. They provide support for Ralph's leadership and attempt to maintain order on the island despite the escalating chaos.

Who accompanies jack to steal fire from Ralph group in lord of the flies?

Prior to holding a feast on the beach Jack, accompanied by four hunters visited Ralph's group at the shelters. Two unnamed hunters grabbed burning braches and ran off along the beach with them. Jack, flanked by Maurice and Robert, delivered a speech inviting the rest of the boys to his feast. Later in the book Jack selected Roger and Maurice to accompany him on his raid to 'get fire' from Ralph's group, infact they stole Piggy's glasses.

Who comes up with the idea of using the glasses to start a fire in lord of the flies?

Piggy is the one who suggests using the glasses to start a fire in "Lord of the Flies." He realizes that the lenses can concentrate sunlight to create a flame.

In lord of the flies chapter 8 what does Jack and his tribe take from Ralph and the others?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack and his tribe steal Piggy's glasses from Ralph and the others. The glasses are essential for starting fires on the island, which becomes a critical issue for the boys' survival.

In lord of the flies what two things have jack's group stolen from ralph's?

The fire and Piggy's specs

What does Ralph plan to do to help the boys get boys get rescued lord of the flies?

make a fire on the hill.