In the Harry Potter book series, Harry and Ginny share their first kiss in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" on page 647 of the American hardcover edition. The scene takes place in the Gryffindor common room after Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup. This moment marks the beginning of their romantic relationship in the series.
Jacob kisses her against her will in chapter fifteen (page 330) of Eclipse. They kiss again in chapter twenty-three (page 526).
His name isn't Jimmy Page its James Patrick Page.
283, I believe. I remember it, because it's my friend's favorite page in the book.
Use your browser's magnify function to shrink the page, and/or use the F11 function to hide the bars at the top of the page.
Sam and Grace share their first kiss in the book "Shiver" on page 242.
On the my page thing in your thin to do bar -Cassandra
They kiss in in angel. The bes one is 226. Angel
Cassandra Clare is an American author of young adult fiction. She does accept fan email at the email address found on the Shadowhuntersweb page:cassandraclare@gmail.comOr you can use the form on the Cassandra Clare web page.
They do not kiss in New Moon. Jacob and Bella do not kiss in New Moon. That kiss doesn't happen until close to the end of Eclipse. they kiss twice in Eclipse (once on page 330 - and once on page 526 -> 529)
They never kiss.
The manga they kiss in is InuYasha. Regarding the chapter they kiss in, it is chapter 523 page 11. (The page is right below this... it's a related link.)
There is no official page where they kiss once. They kiss hundreds of times in the book. Mainly, however, they start kissing a lot in the end of chapter 19 on page 262, and then continue from there a lot.
The middle of page 201. School's out Forever.
they kiss in eclipse not breaking dawn
In the Harry Potter book series, Harry and Ginny share their first kiss in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" on page 647 of the American hardcover edition. The scene takes place in the Gryffindor common room after Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup. This moment marks the beginning of their romantic relationship in the series.