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12y ago

Jack offers the head of a pig that they had killed in their hunt and offered it to the beast to make the beast not attack them.

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Q: What offer does jack make on behalf of himself and the hunters?
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What offer does jack make on behalf of himself and his hunters?

Jack offers to let Ralph and the other boys join his tribe as long as they recognize him as the chief. He also promises protection and food in exchange for loyalty and obedience.

What does Jack have the hunters do to samneric?

The hunters torture Sam and Eric until they agree to join Jack's tribe.

How do The hunters feel about following Ralph?

The hunters initially follow Ralph because he is chosen as the leader and appears to offer a sense of stability and direction. However, as the story progresses and Ralph's leadership is challenged by Jack's appeal to their primal instincts, the hunters become more conflicted about following Ralph. Ultimately, some hunters remain loyal to Ralph, while others defect to join Jack's tribe.

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What is the ISBN of Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters?

The ISBN of Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters is 0-7851-2629-5.

In Lord of the Flies who has assumed the role of chief?

Ralph is elected as the chief but Jack, no longer content with just controling his hunters, later apoints himself as a rival chief.

In lord of the flies who are the hunter?

The hunters are Jack Merridew and his followers, the choir kids. They hunt the pigs on the island, and are supposed to keep the fire going.

Who is with hunts with Jack chapter 4?

Jack hunts with the choir boys and makes them into his hunters.

Who killed the pig in Lord of the Flies?

jack and his hunters

Who are the hunters in the lord of flies?

Jack and the choir boys.

What does Jack call his group in Lord of the Flies?

The Hunters.

When did Jack Offer die?

Jack Offer died in 1985.