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The hunters torture Sam and Eric until they agree to join Jack's tribe.

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Q: What does Jack have the hunters do to samneric?
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What happens while piggy Ralph and samneric sleep in the shelter?

Jack and his hunters break in and steal piggy's glasses

How does Ralph learn of jack's plans for him?

Ralph learns of Jack's plans for him through Samneric, who are forced to join Jack's tribe and spy on Ralph's group. Samneric bring Ralph news of Jack's intentions to hunt him down and kill him. This betrayal shows Ralph the extent of Jack's animosity towards him.

How does Jack's tribe know where to find Ralph?

Ralph told Samneric that he would hide out in the bushes, so eventually Samneric squeal on Ralph to Jack.

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In "Lord of the Flies," Roger tells Jack where Ralph is hiding. Roger was a loyal follower of Jack and had been actively participating in hunting down Ralph along with the other boys.

Who are the two people Jack orders to be captured?


Who is the protagonist in the lord of flies?

The main characters of Lord of the Flies are Ralph, Simon, Jack, The Hunters, Piggy, and Samneric. The other characters are The littleluns, Maurice, Robert, Percival Wemys Madison, Johnny, and Henry.

Who were the last group of boys to reach the meeting?

samneric and jack and ralph

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Who warns Ralph about jack's intention to kill him in lord of the flies?


Who first suggests a hunt for what Samneric saw?

Ralph suggests a hunt for what Samneric saw, which is the "beast" they claimed to have spotted on the mountain. He wants to investigate the sighting to ensure the safety of the group and understand the perceived threat.

Why do Samneric refuse to help Ralph?

Samneric feel torn between their loyalty to Ralph and their fear of Jack's power and brutality. They are intimidated by Jack's tribe and are influenced by the fear and manipulation tactics used by Jack and his followers. Ultimately, they prioritize their own safety and survival over helping Ralph.

What is the main character?

Ralph is the main character, with Jack, Piggy, Simon, and Samneric following close behind.