The NarutoxUT OVA, which was a collaboration project with Uniqlo, a popular Japanese clothing brand.
I think you're mistaken for the OVA. If its for the last battle between Naruto and Sasuke then its the OVA. But if you're thinking of a movie then you might thinking of the first Naruto Shippuden movie with the prediction of Naruto dying.
This is a bit of a vague question, but I'm assuming that you are speaking of that "episode" where Sakura is holding Naruto's head by her lap with the incredibly cheesy 'oh-look-the-sun-is-coming-out scene? In that case, that is not an episode; it is an OVA (Original Video Animation; basically means the anime in a nutshell) that is about 5 minutes long. It is titled "Sage Naruto Vs. Sasuke," I do believe.
Who told you she is his girlfriend she don't have any love feelings about him and he don't have love feelings about Hinata and Sakura loves Sasuke and Naruto loves Sakura and Hinata loves Naruto.
No where. Naruto and Sakura never kiss.
Its when naruto, sakura, and sai go on their first mission.
I think you're mistaken for the OVA. If its for the last battle between Naruto and Sasuke then its the OVA. But if you're thinking of a movie then you might thinking of the first Naruto Shippuden movie with the prediction of Naruto dying.
yes but not super cried but in the 1st episode of naruto she said shewould have feeling to him that what i heard
No, Naruto is not sleeping with Sakura.
No, Sakura does not lay on Naruto.
Yes, Naruto turns 4 tails and Sakura realises what he has had to live with. She wants him to turn back to his old self and runs towards him, crying in an attempt to save him. Later on she confesses her feelings for him TO YAMATO when she is healing Naruto (he is unconscious). She says 'The only things I can ever do for him are small and insignificant' Yamato smiles and says 'It doesn't matter what you do for him, what really matters are your feelings for him and I can tell you really lo-(about to say love)' at this point Naruto wakes up and Sakura is delighted. Naruto asks why she is crying etc etc.. Plus also in a new naruto OVA,in the beginning Sakura thinks Naruto dies after his fight with sasuke and cries a little bit.Than at the end of the OVA,Naruto wakes up and Sakura cries tears of joy!
I know that Naruto loves Sakura and Hinata does NOT deserving to be his wife! i vote sakura and naruto
This is a bit of a vague question, but I'm assuming that you are speaking of that "episode" where Sakura is holding Naruto's head by her lap with the incredibly cheesy 'oh-look-the-sun-is-coming-out scene? In that case, that is not an episode; it is an OVA (Original Video Animation; basically means the anime in a nutshell) that is about 5 minutes long. It is titled "Sage Naruto Vs. Sasuke," I do believe.
Yes, naruto has had a crush on sakura since the beggining. No offense Naruto and Sakura fans but I think Naruto should be with Hinata and Sakura with Sasuke.
posibbly sakura is starting to have feelings for naruto
No, but Sakura recently found out that Naruto loves her.
As of yet, Sakura Haruno, from Naruto, does not have a boyfriend.
Sakura likes Sasuke Naruto likes Sakura Hinata likes Naruto