No sakura doesn't tell him in the anime, she tells him in the manga chapter 469. In the anime hinata tells naruto that she loves him and almost dies for him also what episode did sai talk to sakura about her feelings for naruto i cant find it :(
Yes, she does in chapters 469-470, though Naruto seems to be skeptical about that. Sai confirms her feelings are real but he also says she still loves Sasuke too. If you think I'm lying, go to ch. 475 and you will see that Sai does NOT denie that Sakura's love is real. So the chapter is PRO SasuSaku but PRO NaruSaku too.
In chapter 450 of the manga. It is after the fight with Pain is over and Naruto returns to the village with a roaring crowd awaiting him there. While Naruto is being swooned over by everyone for his heroic feat Sakura walks over to him and hits him for going to see Nagato alone, without any back up. While Naruto is kneeling over from her hit she catches him in her arms and hugs him lovingly while saying "Thank you" in front of the entire village. Everyone is surprised and blushing, but look on smiling at the two of them none the less. also, sakura hugs naruto and admits her feelings for him. kakashi, yamato (lol sounds like tomato), lee and kiba were there all quite surprised at her action. this was in a different episode, where sakura was going off alone to kill sasuke, and she didnt want naruto to know. BUT IN THE EPISODES SHE HUGS HIM IN EPISODE 175 BUT THE EPISODE IS ONLY IN ENGLISH SUB SO FAR
The creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto, have said that he is not interested and have not thought about "putting" any of the characters together. But if at some point naruto end up with someone, it will probably be Hinata. If you really have followed along with the manga(and anime) then it would've been clear for you that Sakura is in love with Sasuke. And Hinata is in love with Naruto, and i don't think naruto would mind ending up with Hinata. so... No, i don't think they will end up together. But I might be wrong, the series is still ongoing.
shion is'NT real sso it doesn't matter. she was a filler character. i herd that shion kiss naruto i ain't sure my friend told me
Sakura yells at Naruto from time to time but there is no real fighting.
episode 2 or 3 but it was not sasuke. it was naruto using a transformation jutsu. the real sasuke was tied up in a room...poor sasuke...
it was just a dream
No that is a comic called Konoha High which is Naruto
No, not that I know of. Naruto and Sakura aren't a real couple. Just a couple some people wish was real. Naruto doesn't ever really kiss Sakura, but you can always just imagine it. (: well actually in naruto's mind, yes
a few episodes actually. But the first time was episode 3. Sasuke and Sakura: friends or foes. They are sitting on a bench. (well its actually Naruto who transformed into sasuke) And Sasukes being all nice because its really Naruto. They were just about to kiss but then his stomach hurts so he runs away. Sakura thinks he's being shy and then when the real sasuke comes she tries to pick up where they left off and he gets freaked out tells her to go out with naruto, and when she says no tells her shes annoying.
Not in the real anime at least
not until they get older THEY KISS?! 'O' BY. Answerwolfman not till they get older or he kiss hinata i saw it youtube but i don't now if it was real
No sakura doesn't tell him in the anime, she tells him in the manga chapter 469. In the anime hinata tells naruto that she loves him and almost dies for him also what episode did sai talk to sakura about her feelings for naruto i cant find it :(
Yes, she does in chapters 469-470, though Naruto seems to be skeptical about that. Sai confirms her feelings are real but he also says she still loves Sasuke too. If you think I'm lying, go to ch. 475 and you will see that Sai does NOT denie that Sakura's love is real. So the chapter is PRO SasuSaku but PRO NaruSaku too.