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Q: What must be present in order for pitch to be created and notes to be played?
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Related questions

What is the value of a set of 100 one dollar notes in sequential order?

it would be 100 notes. sequential order wouldn't increase the value of the note.

What are the notes to the song on Mythology Island?

the notes in order are: blue, green, yellow, blue, red, green.

What is the order of notes within a root position triad?

It means the root of the chord is the lowest note being played. If it's a C-major chord, the C is on the bottom.

What musicans read to play music?

They read notes

What is particular notes arranged in a particular order?

A scale.

Does the present order of books in the English bible parallel the Hebrew bible?

It depends on what religion you are. The Jews use the original order of books, and the Christians use an order that was created by the early church, around the 5th Century.

What is a space note and line note in music?

The space notes in a treble clef are (in order from bottom to top) F, A, C, E. The line notes in a treble clef are (in order from bottom to top) E, G, B, D, F. The space notes in a bass clef are (in order from bottom to top) A, C, E, G. The line notes in a bass clef are (in order from bottom to top) G, B, D, F, A.

What are notes in?

Notes in music are the little "signs" on a bar graph. They tell you which notes to play, how fast to play them, and in which order to play them. I am sure you could find lessons on how to read them on YouTube.

What order do you play the notes in clubpeguin misson 7?

first you find the music in the pizza parlor then you play the notes on the piano by color

What is the order of the song you play when getting the whisker on mythology island?

the notes are marked on the door,so you just play the notes on the door

What are notes in music?

Notes in music are the little "signs" on a bar graph. They tell you which notes to play, how fast to play them, and in which order to play them. I am sure you could find lessons on how to read them on youtube.

What is the more common word order writing this tense-present simple or simple present?

Present simple.