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I am 90 percent certain it is an F# note.

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Q: What musical notes are generally played in modern train horns?
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Trur or falseEarly french horn were originally played on the hunt?

Modern horns evolved out of old style hunting horns.

What are the different types of horns commonly used in musical instruments?

The different types of horns commonly used in musical instruments are brass horns, woodwind horns, and natural horns. Brass horns include the trumpet, trombone, and French horn. Woodwind horns include the saxophone and clarinet. Natural horns are typically made from animal horns and are used in traditional and folk music.

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Which musical instruments are commonly played in Africa?

THE VUVUZELA is associated with it. Thanks Gaurang

What were early horns used for?

The horn in animals that have horns is used for defense and for mating rights (i.e., the larger the horns on a buffalo, the more likely he is to mate with a harem of buffalo cows). The horn on a vehicle is to alert pedestrians or other drivers that you, the driver, are there, or as an alarm system. A horn (also called the French Horn) is also a musical instrument that is used to accompany an orchestra or wind ensemble in a musical piece that requires a horn to be played.

What is a tambuli?

Tambuli refers to one of the musical instruments, which are mainly used in the Philippines. This type of instrument is made using carabao horns.

In what key are French horns typically played?

French horns are typically played in the key of F.

What musical instruments did the inuit tribe use?

The Inuits used instruments such as drums and blow horns

What instruments are in Annie the Musical?

There are different kinds of musical instruments used in Annie the musical. You can either Google it, it's faster, or search for the songs used in the musical. And find out what musical instruments used in every song.

Are musical air horns street legal in UK?

on pre 1st august 1973 cars only

How does the modern subsistence hunting differ from the poaching of animals for tusk horns or hides?

Modern subsistence hunting differs from the poaching of animals for tusks horns or hides in a couple of ways. Poaching for example is illegal.