Selena Gomez has starred in two Disney Channel movies. They are Princess Protection Program and Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie.
Selena's celebrity crush was Shia LeBeouf, an actor in the Transformers movies.
No. Selena "Gomez" Was Just Named After Selena Quintanilla. The Tejano Music Star Sensation Because her Dad Was A Really Big Fan Of Selena & When he Found Out He Was Going To Have A Babygirl. He Thought That Selena Was The Perfect Name For Her.
she wrights songs and stars in many movies
About 3 years
Star Wars IV: A New Hope (the movie) came out in 1977 before any books were written. The movies came first.
She is in 10 movies.
yes, she does.
Wizards of waverly place
selena gomez bercame a #1 pop star with her movies and song
yes,she is palnning to become a serious actress when she is older.
Yes. Selena loves scary movies, and demi does to, but were not sure about miley.
4 movies
Selena Gomez works on Disney Channel and other big productions in movies she is in. To be more specific; Selena Gomez works on the Set Of Wizards of Waverly Place and the set of other movies she is in.
If Selena means Selena Gomez then is has gone.
Selena gomes started making movies when she made the movie of wizards of Waverly place the movie
At the movies