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Wasn't "Peckerwood" mentioned in the movies, "Auntie Mame" with either Rosalind Russell in 1958, or Lucille Ball in 1974?

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Q: What movie used the word peckerwood?
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Elmer Peckerwood's birth name is Elmer John Peckwood.

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The address of the Peckerwood Garden Conservation Foundation is: , Hempstead, TX 77445

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My guess would be "the."

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Who first coined the word carpetbagger?

Like scalawag and peckerwood, it is unknown who coined the post-Civil War term carpetbagger, but it came into common use and is still used occasionally. Some New Yorkers called Hilary Rodham-Clinton a carpetbagger when she ran for a US Senate seat in New York, which would make her something of a reverse carpetbagger.