Shock Corridor ?
Her real name is Geraldine James. Her name in the movie is not Mirabel, but rather MIRABEHN - she took the name, Mirabehn, after Mirabai, the great devotee of Lord Krishna.
yes she dies because the evil girls tricked her and took the diary from her and then wrote something bad about her and then she died. I watched that movie 5 times
I love Lucy had the Longest laugh recorded, they even had to cut part of it off because it was just too long and took up too much time. By the way it;s the best show ever!
She was a wolf all along. She was the wolf at the beginning of the movie when jack hit her and she bit him and had his scent entire time. When Stuart met her at the police station it was twist people think he had jack scent but it was another wolf scent her scent. Whole talk how she knew exactly what was going on and didn't seem to shocked about it and was trying to throw Stuart off a little bit. At the end of the movie jack finally transformed it took him entire movie to do so but when she turned into a full wolf at the end which means she was already one entire time so...
Either the Great Pyramids or the Great Wall of China, depending on which historian you trust.
it took as long as it took perry to drop is balls
It depends on how long the movie was. Since Transformer movies are the most longest movies ever, or probably not :( , anyway it's long. Also, it can also depend on how thrilling it is. Since the movie has both, then I would say it took a year and a quarter. If not it's still a long time.
Dawes took the longest route
The one that took the longest to build :D
The Cologne Cathedral in Colonge, Germany took 640 years to complete (1248-1880).
it took a 1 year and 6 months to make the movie i robot
ENIAC took ~1/3 of a second to compute a square root.
One time mine got like staled or whatever and it took three weeks.
Well, honey, the saint who took the longest time to be canonized was Saint Hildegard of Bingen. She was finally canonized in 2012, a whopping 843 years after her death. Talk about a slow burn, but hey, better late than never, right?