she dies because the evil girls tricked her and took the diary from her and then wrote something bad about her and then she died.
I watched that movie 5 times
Ursula Ludwig died in 1999, in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
Urs Furrer died on August 30, 1975, in Detroit, Michigan, USA of heart attack during filming.
Ursula Cavalcanti died on September 22, 2005, in Florence, Tuscany, Italy of lung cancer.
No, Farrel Mitchner did not really die in the movie Fubar.
no the baby did not die at the end of the movie SUSAN SLADE
Ursula Hirschmann died in 1991.
Ursula Kuczynski died in 2000.
Ursula Dronke died in 2012.
Ursula Pearson died in 2006.
Ursula Mommens died in 2010.
Ursula Fookes died in 1991.
Ursula Buckel died in 2005.
Ursula Fleming died in 1992.
Ursula Bloom died in 1984.
Ursula Merkin died in 2006.
Ursula Niebuhr died in 1997.
Ursula Cain died in 2011.