No, Sam just can get really upset and lose control but she's very good with certain things. For example she's really good at figuring out challenging things.
Horror movies that really get under your skin and affect you to the point to where you would really get uneasy are ones that employ things that disgust all of us on a base level, and vomit and things such as this, are things that all people find disgusting and gross.
Maybe because people enjoy seeing unique things but freak shows are quite offensive because sometimes they put deformed people in it and like make fun of them not knowing there hurting someones feelings so i dont really fancy them.
I don't know so much because I am not so crazy about him, but he likes watching the football game with Brandon Smith and he just filmed StarStruck the new movie that I really want to see.
So many things are possible as long as you don't know if they are impossible.
Experiencing happiness or things that lead to it, bring it, or give it.
well it matters. They can be because they make them obsessed with things. No to because it teaches them to have a high priority in things
Matters of faith or theology
yes it is possible
According to the Law of Conservation of Matter, it is impossible to really throw things away. This is possible because matter does not disappear, it only changes form.
Yes, it is, but don't ask me how!
i bet youmeant is it really possible that you get things like in naruto but you said can and the answer is YES!!! my cousin has a real knife that naruto used to throw at people on the TV show
because they are being rude and thinks they can get away with it, but if i were that person i would tell an adult as soon as possible! you shouldn't say things like that to people because it can lead up to fights then things will not be really good. but i really think people laugh is because they think its a joke but it's not.
It means don't worry about the future or stress about why happened in the past because they are irrelevant. What matters more is who we are, and the attitude we want to take on life. Those two things are what really determines how our life will end up.
You don't. It really shouldn't matter what they think - it matters what you think and how you feel towards yourself. You have nothing to prove to them and if you really don't want to do these things don't do them - trust me when I say not to follow your "friends" just because they are doing things and they think they are cool because most times things end badly and cause problems. Use your common sense and maturity and if they do not like the decisions you make for yourself then they are not really your friends to begin with.
No because everything is matter and some things u cant see
Yes and no it matters for what you need the shoes for and what you are using them like sports, daily things, snow and/or anything else.