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Q: What movie is similar to ma mere french movie?
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Is mother ma mere or mere in french?

My mother - ma mère

How do you say my mother is french?

ma mere

How do you spell our mother in french?

ma mere

What is stepmum in French?

step-mum in french is Ma beau-mere

How do you say mine mother in french?

ma mere

What is 'my mother is called'in french?

"My mother is called" in French is "Ma mère s'appelle."

How do you say this is my grandma in french?

c'est ma grand-mere

How do you say you love your mother in french?

j'adore ma mere

How do you say my mum is kind in french?

ma mere cest sampa

What is the french translation loving mother?

J'aime ma mere=I love my mother

How do you say mom's house in french?

la maison du ma mere.

How do you say i live with my mom in french?

J'habite avec ma/mon mere....This may not be right