"Caliber 9" (1972) "Love Potion No. 9" (1992) "Session 9" (2001) "House of 9" (2005) "Cloud 9" (2006) "$9.99" (2008) "Psych:9" (2010) "District 9" (2009) "9" (2009)
The movie is called Nine. And the character is also named Nine.
Yes, Maria Mitchell did have siblings. Nine siblings.
Minato's wife, Kushina was the second jinchuriki of the nine tails, Harishima's wife, unknown was the first jinchuriki of the nine tails, (Naruto is the third jinchurki of the nine taills,)
Quinn McDonalds
Blackbird is a nine letter animal. The third letter is the letter a.
There are several nine letter words from the letters 'dnateseisors'.They include:AssertionAsteroidsDisastersReadinessResonatesSedationsTiredness
There is no nine letter word that can be spelled with the letters 'aelccdnst'.
There is no nine letter word that can be made with the letters 'reeiabpvw'.Words that can be made with those letters are:aairapeareaveaverawawebarbarebebearbeaverbeebeepbeerbewarebierbrabravebrewbrieeareaveeraereeveevereweewerIirepapairparparepareve (parve)pavepaverpawpeapearpeepeerperpewpipiepierpreviewrapraperaverawreapreaverepaverevreviewribripripeveerverbviavieviewviewerviperwaivewaiverwarwarewavewewearweaveweaverwebweeweepwerewipewiperwirewrap
Algorithm is the only nine letter word.
A nine letter word that can be spelled with those letters is ancestral.
The only nine letter word which ends with the letters -lto is "contralto".
The only nine letter word that can be spelled with the letters in 'marmalade' is MARMALADE.
There is no direct nine-letter anagram of those letters.