Charles Lindbergh, played by James Stewart
It's a wonderful life
In the movie, TWILIGHT, Kristen Stewart plays Bella.
In the movie Twilight, Bella, Edward, and James are the main characters. It also depends on if you want the book answer or the movie answer. The book is very diffrent.
kisten stewart
The movie that had James Stewart and Beulah Bondi is Street Scene.
Charles Lindbergh, played by James Stewart
"It's a Wonderful Life" (1946)
James Stewart stars in four Hitchcock movies Rope (1948) Rear Window (1954) The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) Vertigo (1958)
James Stewart
it was James Stewart and the girl was Donna Reed
James Stewart.
This 1950 movie Harvey is about a man whose best friend in a form of a invisible rabbit. The movie Harvey starred with James Stewart and Josephine Hull.
Rear Window, he plays a man in a wheelchair who witnesses a murder from his window.Excellent suspense movie.
John O'Hanlan (James Stewart)
No. They have just been in a movie together called Adventureland. That is just a theory about Kristen and Jesse together but it is false.
Yeah, the movie is called Speak. Its directed by Jessica Sharzer and released January 20th 2004