Rudolf Bissegger has: Played Giovanni in "Bad Timing" in 1980. Played Friedrich II. in "Maria Theresia" in 1980. Played Werner Staub in "Schwarz Rot Gold" in 1982. Performed in "Herr Herr" in 1982. Played Rezeptionist in "Der Leihopa" in 1985. Played Edward Donnington in "Mord am Pool" in 1986. Played Peter Schneider in "Drei unter einer Decke" in 1989. Played Bankmanager in "Die Kaltenbach-Papiere" in 1991. Performed in "Kommissar Rex" in 1994. Played Daniel Mulligan in "Face to Face" in 2003. Played Police chief Willem in "Nightcast" in 2007. Played Business Man in "Tandoori Love" in 2008.
Rudolf Del Zopp has: Performed in "Buchholzens Abenteuer im Hochgebirge" in 1908. Performed in "Pro Patria" in 1910. Performed in "Ein Leben" in 1911. Performed in "Menschliche Ruinen" in 1912. Played Vater von Elinor in "Maskierte Liebe" in 1912. Played Wolfgang Marberg in "Adressatin verstorben" in 1912. Performed in "Ein Blick in den Abgrund" in 1912. Performed in "Um fremde Schuld - Eine Episode aus dem Leben" in 1912. Performed in "Motiv unbekannt - Das Drama einer Ehe" in 1913. Performed in "Des Alters erste Spuren" in 1913. Performed in "Frida" in 1914. Performed in "Deutsche Helden" in 1914. Performed in "Der Dornenweg" in 1918. Performed in "Das Tor der Freiheit" in 1919. Performed in "Der Todesreigen" in 1922. Performed in "Der Mann aus Stahl" in 1922. Performed in "Die vom Zirkus" in 1922. Played Diener in "Das Haus ohne Lachen" in 1923. Played Ohm in "Das Haus am Meer" in 1924. Played der alte Uhl in "Schiff in Not" in 1925. Performed in "Die Verrufenen" in 1925. Performed in "Deutsche Herzen am deutschen Rhein" in 1926. Performed in "Die elf schillschen Offiziere" in 1926.
Rudolf Pankov has: Played (1970 version) in "Syn polka" in 1946. Performed in "Belyie gory" in 1964. Performed in "Spasite utopayushchego" in 1967. Performed in "Vzorvannyy ad" in 1967. Played Chetvartiyat savetski voenoplennik in "Chetirimata ot vagona" in 1970. Performed in "Krasnyy chernozyom" in 1977. Played Dorokhov in "Zadacha s tremya neizvestnymi" in 1979. Played Zhulio in "Neznaika na Lune 2" in 1999. Played Tekst ot diktora (2009) in "Snayper. Oruzhie vozmezdiya" in 2009. Played Monk in "First Squad: The Moment of Truth" in 2009.
Rudolf Pellar has: Performed in "Jan Zizka" in 1957. Played Koranda in "Proti vsem" in 1958. Played Scientist in "Tarzanova smrt" in 1962. Performed in "Lov na mamuta" in 1965. Performed in "Kolotoc" in 1967. Played Singer in "Fantom operety" in 1970. Played Editor-in-chief in "Opera ve vinici" in 1981. Played Old Jewish Trader in "Hat-Trick" in 1992. Played American director in "Cesta peklem" in 1995. Performed in "Malostranske humoresky" in 1996. Played Professor in "Olda" in 1997. Played Peignot in "Le prince des imposteurs" in 1998. Played Assessor 4 in "Joan of Arc" in 1999. Played Thornton in "Love Lies Bleeding" in 1999. Played Mikulytsin in "Doctor Zhivago" in 2002. Played Draper in "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" in 2003. Played Poet in "Kousek nebe" in 2005. Played Watchman in "The Brothers Grimm" in 2005. Played Vieil homme Chansonia in "Faubourg 36" in 2008.
Leopold Rudolf has: Played Thomas Esterer in "Nach dem Sturm" in 1948. Played Konsul Varsao in "Zyankali" in 1948. Played Dozent Thomas Alberti in "Das andere Leben" in 1948. Played Gehilfe Johann in "Das vierte Gebot" in 1950. Played Vitus in "Cordula" in 1950. Performed in "Der Rabe" in 1951. Performed in "Maria Theresia" in 1951. Performed in "Wiener Walzer" in 1951. Performed in "1. April 2000" in 1952. Played Raffl in "Das letzte Aufgebot" in 1953. Played Aldebrando Cellino in "Praterherzen" in 1953. Played Brugger, Rennmechaniker in "Die Todesarena" in 1953. Performed in "Die Hexe" in 1954. Played Ein Unbekannter, Besteller des Requiems in "Mozart" in 1955. Performed in "Der brave Soldat Schwejk" in 1960. Performed in "Deutschland - deine Sternchen" in 1962. Played Professor Bernhardi in "Professor Bernhardi" in 1962. Played Narrator in "Biedermann und die Brandstifter" in 1963. Played Earl Williams in "Reporter" in 1963. Played Willy Loman in "Tod eines Handlungsreisenden" in 1963. Played Baron Trotta in "Radetzkymarsch" in 1965. Played Josef in "Zeit der Kirschen" in 1966. Played Andrew Pilgrim in "Nur kein Cello" in 1967. Played Butler Malvolio in "Was ihr wollt" in 1968. Played Michail Lwowitsch Astrow, Arzt in "Onkel Wanja - Szenen aus dem Landleben" in 1968. Played Kurt Dettmann in "Der Kommissar" in 1969. Played Violinspieler Hans Weiring in "Liebelei" in 1969. Played Anastasius Treuenhof in "Das Wort" in 1970. Played Generalmajor in "Fritz Muliar Schau" in 1972. Played Stefan Gallos in "Spiel der Herzen" in 1972. Played Nikolaus Duda in "Der Hutmacher" in 1972. Played Narrator in "Bergkristall" in 1974. Played Ulrich Brendel in "Rosmersholm" in 1974.
Rudolf Strobl has: Played Karl Leitner in "Familie Leitner" in 1958. Performed in "Der Misanthrop" in 1959. Played Kommissar in "Ich heirate Herrn Direktor" in 1960. Played Georg Baron Ruding in "Protektionskind" in 1962. Played Graf Bombelles in "Der Tag danach" in 1965. Performed in "Pater Brown" in 1966. Played Bezirksinspektor Zeisig in "Der alte Richter" in 1969. Played Gendarm in "Die Geschichte der 1002. Nacht" in 1969. Played Barborka in "Peripherie" in 1969. Played Peter Manz in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Zeisig in "Der alte Richter" in 1969. Played Gendarmerieinspektor Zeisig in "Der alte Richter" in 1969. Played Inspektor Zeisig in "Der alte Richter" in 1969. Performed in "Traumnovelle" in 1969. Played Dr. Armin Felsner in "Keine Angst Liebling, ich pass schon auf" in 1970. Played Frohberg in "Ein gebildeter Hausknecht" in 1970. Played Piotrak in "Das falsche Gewicht" in 1971. Performed in "Der kleine Muck" in 1971. Played Oberbaurat Segenreich in "Hochzeit" in 1972. Played Biwoy in "Libussa" in 1972. Played Tappeiner in "Van der Valk und die Reichen" in 1973. Played Patschiparoli in "Gegen Torheit gibt es kein Mittel" in 1974. Performed in "Totstellen" in 1975. Played Herr Kuntner in "Zuhaus in fremden Betten" in 1981. Performed in "Steinbichler Geschichten" in 1984.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Rudolf Ruf has: Performed in "Geld und Geist" in 1966. Performed in "Die Fabrikanten" in 1973. Performed in "Konfrontation" in 1976. Played Schirmer in "Ces merveilleuses pierres" in 1978. Performed in "A Song for Europe" in 1985.
Rudolf Plepis has: Performed in "Igra" in 1982. Played Alfreds in "Emila nedarbi" in 1985. Performed in "Viktoriya" in 1988. Performed in "Kakisa dzirnavas" in 1993. Performed in "Uguns" in 2007. Performed in "Dancis pa trim" in 2011.
David Rudolf has: Played himself in "Dateline NBC" in 1992. Played himself in "American Justice" in 1992. Played himself in "Mugshots" in 2000. Played himself in "WRAL Murder Trials" in 2003. Played himself in "Sins and Secrets" in 2011.
Rudolf Stahl has: Played Policeman in "Drvostep" in 1923. Played Wild Tramp in "Bud pripraven" in 1924. Played Max Pretrhlo in "Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy" in 1925. Played Detective in "Strassenbekanntschaften" in 1929. Played Journalist in "Svadlenka" in 1936.
Rudolf Weber has: Played Ramone in "Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur" in 1995. Played Hans in "Firestorm" in 1997. Played Nelson in "Ultimate Prey" in 2000. Played himself in "Die Akte Joel" in 2001. Played Rudolf Weber in "Die Jugendcops - Kommissariat 105 im Einsatz" in 2008.
Rudolf Chelishchev has: Played Cameo in "Izhorskiy batalyon" in 1972. Performed in "Ubit pri ispolnenii" in 1977. Performed in "Blokada: Leningradskiy metronom, Operatsiya Iskra" in 1979. Performed in "20-e dekabrya" in 1981. Played Rudik in "Ishchu druga zhizni" in 1987.
Rudolf Grabow has: Played Hilaris in "Lumpaci Vagabundus" in 1953. Played Lykon in "Lysistrata" in 1955. Performed in "Nur eine Frau" in 1958. Played Dr. Ellers in "Weihe des Hauses" in 1966. Played Prof. Villar in "Geschichten aus der Zukunft" in 1978.
Rudolf Gevondyan has: Played Mushegh in "Nahapet" in 1977. Played Ruben in "Legend tzaghratzui masin" in 1980. Performed in "Kani der aprum enk" in 1986. Performed in "Menavor enkuzeni" in 1987. Played Mustafa in "Dzayn barbaro..." in 1991. Performed in "Enker Panjuni" in 1992.
Rudolf Vervliet has: Played Slimani in "Postbus X" in 1988. Played Doelman van de tegenploeg in "F.C. De Kampioenen" in 1990. Played Dealer in "Niet voor publikatie" in 1994. Played Barman in "Heterdaad" in 1996. Played Bruno Didden in "Deman" in 1998.
Rudolf Jusits has: Played Scholz in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Kosta in "Defraudanten" in 1972. Played Dieter in "Wildwechsel" in 1972. Played Daniel Haid in "Der grosse Horizont" in 1976. Played Peter Allinger in "Alpensaga" in 1976. Performed in "Staatsoperette" in 1977.
Rudolf Serkin has: Played Himself - Pianist in "The Bell Telephone Hour" in 1959. Played Himself - Pianist in "Live from Lincoln Center" in 1976. Played Himself - Pianist in "Rudolf Serkin on Television: The 75th Birthday Concert" in 1977. Played Himself - Pianist in "San Francisco Symphony Inaugural Gala" in 1980. Played Himself - Honoree in "The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts" in 1981. Played himself in "Ozawa" in 1985.
Rudolf Hickel has: Played himself in "III nach neun" in 1974. Played himself in "Presseclub" in 1987. Played Himself - Uni Bremen in "Presseclub" in 1987. Played himself in "Hart aber fair" in 2001. Played himself in "Menschen bei Maischberger" in 2003. Played himself in "Anne Will" in 2007.