Rebeca Mankita has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Performed in "Papito querido" in 1991. Performed in "Soy hombre y que" in 1993. Performed in "La risa en vacaciones 7" in 1995. Performed in "La super risa en vacaciones 8" in 1996. Played Katy in "Sin ti" in 1997. Performed in "La risa por dentro" in 1997. Performed in "La risa lo cura todo" in 1997. Performed in "La risa en bikini" in 1998. Performed in "No se puede con la risa" in 1998. Performed in "De ladito me da risa" in 1998. Performed in "El privilegio de amar" in 1998. Played herself in "El privilegio de amar" in 1998. Played Natalia Galindo in "Camila" in 1998. Played Amanda Naredo in "Amigos X siempre" in 2000. Performed in "Parejas disparejas" in 2002. Played herself in "La parodia" in 2002. Played herself in "Don Francisco presenta" in 2002. Performed in "La vida es loca (Ritmo privado)" in 2002. Played Yara in "Velo de novia" in 2003. Played Pegui in "Amar otra vez" in 2003. Played herself in "La escuelita en noche buena" in 2004. Performed in "Rebelde" in 2004. Played Miss Mankita in "La escuelita VIP" in 2004. Played Rebeca in "Los perplejos" in 2005. Played Colette in "Destilando amor" in 2007. Played Marlene in "Al diablo con los guapos" in 2007. Played Vera in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Cecilia in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Performed in "Llena de amor" in 2010. Performed in "Como dice el dicho" in 2011. Played Paloma in "Como dice el dicho" in 2011.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Rebeca Marcos has: Played herself in "Ven con nosotros" in 1995. Played Paula in "Hospital Central" in 2000. Played Carla in "Hospital Central" in 2000. Performed in "Lobos" in 2005. Performed in "MIR" in 2007.
Rebeca Sala has: Performed in "El comisario" in 1999. Played Elena in "Hospital Central" in 2000. Performed in "Duelo" in 2004. Performed in "Estocolmo" in 2010. Played Madre in "Postales desde la luna" in 2012. Played Parada in "Nada que celebrar" in 2013. Played Kris Soto in "Ciega a citas" in 2014.
Lorena Caravedo has: Performed in "Estrellita" in 2000. Played Rebeca Seco in "Los del Solar" in 2005. Played Yolanda in "Condominio S.A" in 2006. Performed in "La pre" in 2008. Played Gabriela in "Tarata" in 2009.
Rebeca Aleman has: Played Rebeca in "La pasion de Teresa" in 1987. Played Libia Rossi in "Pedacito de cielo" in 1993. Played Dolores Cantelo in "La hija del presidente" in 1994. Played Olaya Soublette in "Sucre" in 1996. Played Nefertiti in "Cosita rica" in 2003. Played Isabel in "Como se mata uno" in 2008. Played Isabella in "SubHysteria" in 2010. Played Kika in "Cortos Interruptus" in 2011.
Clarissa Malheiros has: Played Dulce in "Seres humanos" in 2001. Played Maestra de gimnasia in "Nadie te oye: Perfume de violetas" in 2001. Played Rebeca in "Rebeca a esas alturas" in 2003. Performed in "Esperanza" in 2005. Performed in "Capillus" in 2006. Performed in "Destruir dice" in 2006. Performed in "De causas y azares" in 2007. Performed in "Andrea" in 2010.
Rebeca Donovan has: Played Mall Shopper in "Burn Notice" in 2007. Played herself in "Success Against the Odds" in 2011. Played Carnival Attendee in "Dolphin Tale" in 2011. Played Young Andrea Perron in "Andrea Perron: House of Darkness House of Light" in 2013. Played ER Patient in "Wasted Grace" in 2014. Played Nancy Reed in "Thomas Reed Interview- the Wilow Tree" in 2014.
Cherrilyn Silva has: Played herself in "Don Francisco presenta" in 2002. Played Zafiro in "Rebeca" in 2003. Played Day-dream Girl in "Quick Pick" in 2006. Played Rebel Lady in "Chat" in 2006. Played Herself - Host in "Real Music Live" in 2012.
Martha Picanes has: Played Olga in "Marielena" in 1994. Played Pilar in "Decisiones" in 2005. Played Rebeca Macedo in "El cuerpo del deseo" in 2005. Played Paula Romero in "Alma indomable" in 2008. Played Ligia de Pinoz in "Perro amor" in 2010.
Rosa Puga Davila has: Played Rebeca in "En otra vida" in 2002. Played Estrella in "Estrela" in 2003. Played Lola in "Bailad para mi" in 2005. Played Chica en el ascensor in "Globos" in 2005. Played Ella in "Goluzma" in 2012.
Eliete Cigarini has: Played Camila in "Roda da Vida" in 2001. Played Fernanda in "A Pequena Travessa" in 2002. Played Marta in "Por Um Fio" in 2003. Played Adelaide Prado in "Amor e Intrigas" in 2007. Played Rebeca in "Vidas em Jogo" in 2011.
Samira Damavandi has: Played herself in "Kids Say the Darndest Things" in 1998. Played Rebeca in "First Monday" in 2002. Played Little Soraya in "House of Sand and Fog" in 2003. Played Jhasmine Khalid in "State of Mind" in 2007. Played Jhasmine Kalid in "State of Mind" in 2007.
Zeny Leyva has: Played Raquel in "Excexos" in 2008. Performed in "Condesa por amor" in 2010. Played Camila in "El Limite de la Realidad" in 2010. Played Kimberly Colucci in "Mi Forma de Amar" in 2013. Played Rebeca in "Quiero ser fiel" in 2014.