Michal Gadomski has: Played Romek in "Poniedzialek" in 1998. Played Karol in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Walton in "Operacja Samum" in 1999. Played Actor in "Twarze i maski" in 2001. Performed in "Reich" in 2001. Played Junger Mann in "Der Kontrolleur" in 2003. Played Milkos in "Fala zbrodni" in 2003. Played Rafal in "Kryminalni" in 2004. Played Radek in "Pogoda na piatek" in 2006. Played Policeman in "Kto nigdy nie zyl" in 2006. Played Wladek in "BrzydUla" in 2008. Played Masseur. in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Adam in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Jasiek Blacharz in "Dom zly" in 2009. Played Therapist Adam in "Klub Szalonych Dziewic" in 2010. Played Dariusz Morawski in "Komisarz Alex" in 2012. Played Twardy in "Karuzela" in 2014.
Michal Koterski has: Played Sylwester in "Ajlawju" in 1999. Played Syn Sylwus in "Dzien swira" in 2002. Played Krzysiek Chrapek in "Zaginiona" in 2003. Performed in "Pierwsza milosc" in 2004. Played Jan Por in "Hela w opalach" in 2006. Played Son Sylwus in "Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami" in 2006. Played Dzikus in "Swiadek koronny" in 2007. Played Barman in "Wszystko" in 2008. Played himself in "Jak oni spiewaja 3" in 2008. Played Stefan in "Vodka and Women" in 2009. Played Lysy in "Chrzest" in 2010. Played Kubus in "Projekt dziecko, czyli ojciec potrzebny od zaraz" in 2010. Played Cashier - Mohawk in "Baby sa jakies inne" in 2011. Played Zenek in "Jez Jerzy" in 2011. Played Student in "Kac Wawa" in 2012.
Ryszard Kotys has: Played Jacek (as Ryszard Kotas) in "Pokolenie" in 1955. Performed in "Trzy starty" in 1955. Performed in "Zemsta" in 1957. Performed in "Pigulki dla Aurelii" in 1958. Performed in "Dwoje z wielkiej rzeki" in 1958. Played Stusina in "Milczace slady" in 1961. Played Mezczyzna przy szatni in "Dziewczyna z dobrego domu" in 1962. Played Bjorn in "Na bialym szlaku" in 1963. Played Semyen in "Agnieszka 46" in 1964. Played Lokaj labinskiego in "Awatar czyli zamiana dusz" in 1964. Played Saylor in "Panienka z okienka" in 1964. Played Russian Soldier in "Czterej pancerni i pies" in 1966. Performed in "Sobotki" in 1966. Played Militiaman in "Katastrofa" in 1966. Performed in "Potem nastapi cisza" in 1966. Played Wiehnert in "Stawka wieksza niz zycie" in 1967. Played Salesman of Cats in "Sami swoi" in 1967. Played Skier Ryszard Parzeniec in "Sciana czarownic" in 1967. Played Worker in "Morderca zostawia slad" in 1967. Played Soldier in "Wilcze echa" in 1968. Performed in "Poczmistrz" in 1968. Played Auctioneer in "Lalka" in 1968. Played Antoni Zapieralski in "Czerwone i zlote" in 1969. Played Marcin Pakosz in "Tylko umarly odpowie" in 1969. Performed in "Skok" in 1969. Played Mechanic Bulaga in "Znaki na drodze" in 1970. Performed in "Jarzebina czerwona" in 1970. Played Prisoner in "Ostatni swiadek" in 1970. Played Barber in "Nos" in 1971. Performed in "Pierwsza milosc" in 1971. Performed in "Pizama" in 1971. Played Edward in "Wezwanie" in 1971. Played Nurse in "Zaraza" in 1972. Played Second-in-command in "Uciec jak najblizej" in 1972. Played Man killed in the river in "Boleslaw Smialy" in 1972. Played Lieutenant Strzalka in "Trad" in 1973. Played Stanislaw in "Stracona noc" in 1974. Played Sacristan in "Opowiesc w czerwieni" in 1974. Played Bogutek in "Strach" in 1975. Played Guard in "Trzecia granica" in 1975. Played Andrzej Bilski in "Niedzielne dzieci" in 1977. Performed in "Wesolych swiat" in 1977. Played Truck Driver in "Wolna sobota" in 1977. Played Guard in "Lekcja martwego jezyka" in 1979. Played Carpenter in "Wolne chwile" in 1979. Played Taxi Driver in "Bezposrednie polaczenie" in 1979. Played Straw Boss Ludwik in "W sloncu i w deszczu" in 1979. Played Majchrzak, brygadzista in "Aktorzy prowincjonalni" in 1979. Played Prisoner in "Operacja Himmler" in 1979. Played Ludwik in "W sloncu i w deszczu" in 1979. Played Schlappke in "Olimpiada 40" in 1980. Played Elevator Operator in "Golem" in 1980. Performed in "Wolny strzelec" in 1981. Performed in "Panienki" in 1981. Played Niedziela in "Biala goraczka" in 1981. Played Melski in "Vabank" in 1981. Played Guard in "Dreszcze" in 1981. Played Referee in "Wielki bieg" in 1981. Performed in "Niech cie odleci mara" in 1982. Played Porter in "Wyjscie awaryjne" in 1982. Performed in "Amnestia" in 1982. Played Conman in Wroclaw in "Wielki Szu" in 1983. Performed in "On, ona, oni" in 1983. Played Oleksiak in "Wilczyca" in 1983. Played Mr. Kazio in "Klakier" in 1983. Performed in "To tylko rock" in 1984. Played Kupke in "Szkatulka z Hongkongu" in 1984. Performed in "Dzien kolibra" in 1984. Played Janitor in "Co dzien blizej nieba" in 1984. Played Melski in "Vabank II czyli riposta" in 1985. Played Cellulose Maker in "O-bi, O-ba - Koniec cywilizacji" in 1985. Played Conductor (scenes deleted) in "Och, Karol" in 1985. Performed in "Romans z intruzem" in 1985. Performed in "List gonczy" in 1986. Played Szaruga in "Okruchy wojny" in 1986. Played Consul in "Sezon na bazanty" in 1986. Performed in "Petla" in 1986. Played Kazik Danielak in "Bohater roku" in 1987. Performed in "Opowiesc Harleya" in 1988. Played Postman in "Kogel-mogel" in 1988. Played Customs Officer in "Labedzi spiew" in 1988. Played Manager assistant in "Sonata marymoncka" in 1988. Played Mohila in "Dzikun" in 1988. Played Nosacz in "Kingsajz" in 1988. Performed in "Kolega pana Boga" in 1988. Played Wladek in "Stan strachu" in 1989. Played Local Communist Party Secretary in "Konsul" in 1989. Performed in "Swiatlo odbite" in 1989. Played Nowak in "Zloty pociag" in 1989. Played Simpson in "Swinka" in 1990. Performed in "Zlodziej" in 1990. Played Zubek in "Koniec" in 1990. Performed in "Zabic na koncu" in 1990. Played Guard in "Zaklad" in 1990. Played Vendor Zygmunt in "Kramarz" in 1990. Played Rozpuda, manager in "Po upadku. Sceny z zycia nomenklatury" in 1990. Played Policeman in "V.I.P." in 1991. Performed in "Zycie za zycie" in 1991. Performed in "Les enfants du vent" in 1991. Played Soldier in "Rozmowy kontrolowane" in 1991. Played Pinczuk in "Tajemnica puszczy" in 1991. Played Jefim in "Kanalia" in 1992. Played Inspector in the Factory in "Kawalerskie zycie na obczyznie" in 1992. Played Policjant in "Dwa ksiezyce" in 1993. Played Col. Marcinkowski in "Tu stoje..." in 1994. Played Machinist in "Psy 2: Ostatnia krew" in 1994. Performed in "Kamien na kamieniu" in 1995. Performed in "Dzieje mistrza Twardowskiego" in 1996. Played Marian Pazdzioch in "Swiat wedlug Kiepskich" in 1999. Played Setnik in "Wiedzmin" in 2001. Played Setnik in "Wiedzmin" in 2002. Played Binderski in "Niania" in 2005. Played Buczek in "Ekipa" in 2007. Played Ojciec in "Erratum" in 2010. Performed in "Tajemnica Westerplatte" in 2013.
Jerzy Kozlowski has: Performed in "Popioly" in 1965. Performed in "Sciana czarownic" in 1967. Performed in "Sasiedzi" in 1969. Performed in "Pan Wolodyjowski" in 1969. Performed in "Hipoteza" in 1973. Performed in "Strachy" in 1979. Performed in "Kobieta samotna" in 1981. Played Policeman in "Stacja" in 1981. Performed in "Znachor" in 1982. Played Adam in "Nagi przyszedlem" in 1982. Performed in "Dom Sary" in 1984. Played British Officer in "Pomiedzy wilki" in 1989. Performed in "Korczak" in 1990. Played Man in "Po upadku. Sceny z zycia nomenklatury" in 1990.
Michael Krawic has: Played Barto the Bartender in "Crime Story" in 1986. Played Bartender in "Crime Story" in 1986. Played Street Person in "Big Shots" in 1987. Played Gas Attendent in "Murphy Brown" in 1988. Played Stage Manager in "Murphy Brown" in 1988. Performed in "In Living Color" in 1990. Played Eddie Green in "Dillinger" in 1991. Played Theatre-Goer in "The Babe" in 1992. Played Samuels in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" in 1993. Played Dr. John Daniels in "Walker, Texas Ranger" in 1993. Played Foreman in "In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance" in 1994. Played Nurse Roger in "Chicago Hope" in 1994. Played Forensics Expert in "Love Is a Gun" in 1994. Played Willow in "ER" in 1994. Played Rhamin in "Star Trek: Voyager" in 1995. Played Hobo in "Sliders" in 1995. Played Assistant Coroner in "Mulholland Falls" in 1996. Played Henry Bernard in "7th Heaven" in 1996. Played James in "First Kid" in 1996. Played Drug Addict Detective in "The Pretender" in 1996. Played Father Lamonica in "Sitting in Limbo" in 1997. Played Radley in "Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest" in 1997. Played Medical Examiner in "Goodbye Lover" in 1998. Played Larry in "Sour Grapes" in 1998. Played 2nd Paramedic in "The X Files" in 1998. Played Vernon the Creepy Psychic in "Angel" in 1999. Played Winston in "Bloodsport: The Dark Kumite" in 1999. Played Konicki in "Strong Medicine" in 2000. Played Man in "Malcolm in the Middle" in 2000. Played Man in the Rover in "Ghosts of Mars" in 2001. Played Stron in "Enterprise" in 2001. Played Gunther in "A Ribbon of Dreams" in 2002. Played Nightclub Owner in "Charlotte Sometimes" in 2002. Played Allan Weisman in "As Virgins Fall" in 2003. Played Police Officer in "Midnight Clear" in 2006. Played Mr. Miller in "Love Is the Drug" in 2006. Played Bald Man in "Shotgun Wedding" in 2013. Played Cameron Mackintosh in "Yellow Face" in 2013.
Janusz Michalowski has: Played Osadnik in "Zakret" in 1977. Played Doctor in "... gdziekolwiek jestes, panie prezydencie..." in 1978. Played Waclaw Komenda in "Zmory" in 1979. Played Photographer in "Wizja lokalna 1901" in 1980. Performed in "Palac" in 1980. Played Comissar Karelicki in "Vabank" in 1981. Played Piotr in "Nieciekawa historia" in 1983. Played Passer-by in "Synteza" in 1984. Played Professor Wiktor Kuppelweiser in "Seksmisja" in 1984. Performed in "Pismak" in 1985. Played Hans - assistent of Dr. Faust in "Ognisty aniol" in 1986. Played Pastor in "Osobisty pamietnik grzesznika przez niego samego spisany" in 1986. Played Prof. Kalucki in "Luk Erosa" in 1987. Played Father in "ESD" in 1987. Played Korowiow-Fagot in "Mistrz i Malgorzata" in 1990. Played Rozbicki in "Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach" in 1990. Played Hans Weisenstein in "Swinka" in 1990. Performed in "Kobieta w ogrodzie" in 1991. Played Swiatek in "Kuchnia polska" in 1991. Played Swiatek in "Kuchnia polska" in 1993. Performed in "Faustyna" in 1994. Played Michal Pietruszka in "Kamien na kamieniu" in 1995. Performed in "Przygody Joanny" in 1996. Played Erzmagier in "Das Geheimnis des Sagala" in 1997. Played Father in "Darmozjad polski" in 1998. Performed in "Tydzien z zycia mezczyzny" in 1999. Played Dr. Jakub Blumental in "Plebania" in 2000. Performed in "Drewniany pies" in 2004. Played Kazimierz Lulewicz in "Boza podszewka. Czesc druga" in 2005. Played Horn in "Kochankowie z Marony" in 2005. Played Kazimierz (2006-2007) in "Kopciuszek" in 2006. Played Antoni Rapacki in "Tancerze" in 2009. Played Policjant in "Erratum" in 2010. Performed in "Zegarmistrz" in 2011.
Jerzy Rogalski has: Played Jedrzej Grzyb in "Jak rozpetalem druga wojne swiatowa" in 1970. Played Tomek Bielar in "Ile jest zycia" in 1974. Played Lt. Waldemar Jaszczuk in "07 zglos sie" in 1976. Played Patkiewicz in "Lalka" in 1978. Played Stasiu Kolasa in "Kogel-mogel" in 1988. Performed in "Zamknac za soba drzwi" in 1988. Played Wojtaszek in "Zelazna reka" in 1989. Played Stasiu Kolasa in "Galimatias, czyli kogel-mogel II" in 1989. Performed in "Zabic na koncu" in 1990. Played Inspector in "Kramarz" in 1990. Performed in "Kamien na kamieniu" in 1995. Played Angler in "Dzien wielkiej ryby" in 1996. Played Milicjant in "Cwal" in 1996. Performed in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Antoni Tosiek in "Plebania" in 2000. Performed in "Noc swietego Mikolaja" in 2000. Played Peasant in "Pieniadze to nie wszystko" in 2001. Played Sporus in "Quo Vadis" in 2001. Played Musial in "Zmruz oczy" in 2002. Played Uncle Mundek in "Wesele" in 2004. Played Older Clerk in "The Aryan Couple" in 2004. Played Uncle Stasiek in "Niania" in 2005. Played Shopkeeper in "Summer Love" in 2006. Performed in "Londynczycy" in 2008. Performed in "Karamazovi" in 2008. Played Veterinary Mundek in "Dom zly" in 2009. Played Sluzacy Albina in "Sluby panienskie" in 2010. Played Nawrocki in "Erratum" in 2010. Played sultys Walencik in "1920. Wojna i milosc" in 2011. Performed in "1920 Bitwa Warszawska" in 2011. Played Waldek in "Biec w strone ty" in 2012.
Michal Tarkus has: Performed in "Tender Strangers" in 1993. Played Michal in "Accidental Lovers" in 1993. Performed in "Sauna Paradiso" in 1994. Performed in "Pleasure Express" in 1995. Performed in "Out at Last" in 1996. Performed in "Souvenirs" in 1997. Played Boy at bridge in "Frisky Summer 3" in 1998.
Agam Rodberg has: Played Michal in "Abba Shahor Lavan" in 2003. Played Shai Bareket in "Ha-Shir Shelanu" in 2004. Played herself in "Mishpachat Kamichli" in 2004. Performed in "Ha-Alufa" in 2006. Played Carmel in "Hatsuya" in 2009. Played Zohar Fine in "Ptzuim BaRosh" in 2013.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Michal Kaplan has: Played Dr. Michal Seuss in "Animal Songs" in 2003. Played Michal in "Adventure in Israel" in 2005. Played Michal the Chef in "Tasty Songs" in 2005. Played Michal in "Rolling to the Treasure" in 2005. Played Singer in "Birthday Karaoke" in 2005.
Michal Levi has: Performed in "Bruno Meohav" in 2005. Played Dorel in "Mishmoret" in 2007. Played Shimha in "Lost Islands" in 2008. Performed in "Pilpelim Tsehubim" in 2010. Played Shirli in "Blue Natalie" in 2010.
Michal Vered has: Played Teacher in "Shemesh" in 1997. Played Nechama in "Shemesh" in 1997. Played Mrs. Mizrahi in "Ha-Pijamot" in 2003. Played Teacher in "Nefilim, Ha" in 2007. Played Mother in "Mexico" in 2008.
Michal Melina has: Played Lokaj in "Cyganka Aza" in 1926. Played German General in "Robinson warszawski" in 1950. Played Count in "Czarci zleb" in 1950. Played TV Director in "Sprawa do zalatwienia" in 1953. Played Writer in "Domek z kart" in 1954.
Michal Bialecki has: Played Doctor in "Bezmiar sprawiedliwosci" in 2006. Performed in "Der Tote im Spreewald" in 2009. Played Fritz in "Sprawiedliwi" in 2010. Played Grenzbeamter in "Im Angesicht des Verbrechens" in 2010. Performed in "Wygrany" in 2011.
Krystof Michal has: Played himself in "Noc s Andelem" in 1999. Played himself in "Moznosti" in 1999. Played himself in "Letadlo" in 2001. Played Metar in "V perine" in 2011. Played himself in "Letem svetem s Kuretem" in 2011.
Michal Dworczyk has: Played Igor Poniatowski in "Slodko gorzki" in 1996. Played Dj in "13 posterunek" in 1997. Performed in "Ajlawju" in 1999. Played Roman in "Plebania" in 2000. Performed in "Czas honoru" in 2008. Performed in "Milosc na wybiegu" in 2009.
Michal Kruk has: Played Karol Krapiec in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Performed in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Journalist in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Adam Zieba in "Instynkt" in 2011. Played Pawel Kicinski in "Komisarz Alex" in 2012.
Artur Bartos has: Performed in "Cwal" in 1996. Played Michal in "Poniedzialek" in 1998. Performed in "Wielkie rzeczy: Siec" in 2000. Performed in "Weiser" in 2001. Played Etiop in "Wtorek" in 2002.
Michal Bialkowicz has: Played Jewish Deputy in "Smierc prezydenta" in 1977. Performed in "Komediantn" in 1978. Performed in "Najdluzsza wojna nowoczesnej Europy" in 1979. Performed in "Der Dibuk" in 1979. Played Hasid in "Austeria" in 1982. Performed in "O-bi, O-ba - Koniec cywilizacji" in 1985.
Michal Konarski has: Performed in "Gry uliczne" in 1996. Played Assistant in "Miodowe lata" in 1998. Played Kozak in "Ogniem i mieczem" in 1999. Played Doctor of Slodkowice in "Tredowata" in 2000. Played Terpnos in "Quo Vadis" in 2001. Played Ferenc Liszt in "Chopin. Pragnienie milosci" in 2002.
Michal Urbaniak has: Played Himself - Performer in "Pori Jazz 77" in 1977. Played Sax player in "Astonished" in 1990. Played Fiddler at the Wedding in "Pozegnanie jesieni" in 1990. Played himself in "Spona" in 1998. Performed in "6 dni strusia" in 2001. Played himself in "Glass Menagerie" in 2002.