Michaela Schaffrath has: Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Simone Neumann in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Played herself in "III nach neun" in 1974. Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Played herself in "Riverboat - Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig" in 1992. Played Doris Hinrichs in "Wolffs Revier" in 1992. Played herself in "Wa(h)re Liebe" in 1993. Played herself in "Taff" in 1994. Played Vanessa Kehlheim in "Die Wache" in 1994. Played Ellen Heidenreich in "Im Namen des Gesetzes" in 1994. Played Frida Lessing in "Verbotene Liebe" in 1995. Played herself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 1995. Played Evelyn Horst in "Sperling" in 1996. Played Irene Liebig in "In aller Freundschaft" in 1998. Performed in "Maximum Perversum 75 - Junge Fotzen, hart gedehnt" in 1999. Played Ring Girl in "TV total" in 1999. Performed in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig 4 - Durchgefickt" in 1999. Played Frau Baumann in "Hausmeister Krause - Ordnung muss sein" in 1999. Played Schwester Gina in "Joker 1: Die Sperma Klinik" in 1999. Performed in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig 3 - Orgasmus pur" in 1999. Played Polizeikomissarin Gina in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig 2 - Ich will kommen" in 1999. Performed in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig" in 1999. Played herself in "TV total" in 1999. Played herself in "Volle Kanne" in 1999. Performed in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig 5 - Ich will euch alle" in 2000. Played Katharina in "Der tote Taucher im Wald" in 2000. Performed in "The Very Best of Gina Wild" in 2000. Played herself in "Blondes Gift" in 2001. Performed in "Das Beste von Harry S. Morgan" in 2001. Played herself in "Elton.tv" in 2001. Performed in "Gina Wild 7: In der Hitze der Nacht" in 2001. Performed in "Gina Wild - Jetzt wird es schmutzig 6: Im Rausch des Orgasmus" in 2001. Performed in "Gina Wild - Das Beste 1" in 2002. Performed in "Gina Wild - 150 Minuten Special" in 2002. Played herself in "Durch die Nacht mit..." in 2002. Performed in "Gina Wild - Das Beste 2" in 2002. Performed in "Gina Wild - 150 Minuten Special 2" in 2002. Performed in "Gina Wild - Das Beste 3" in 2002. Performed in "C.I. Angel" in 2002. Played Cora Collector in "Bernds Hexe" in 2002. Played herself in "Mission: Germany" in 2002. Played herself in "Die 10..." in 2003. Played Schwester Sabrina in "Der Tag der Befreiung" in 2003. Played Verena Karsten in "Der Auftrag - Mordfall in der Heimat" in 2003. Played Lena in "Das Bernstein-Amulett" in 2004. Played herself in "Der Tag der Ehre - Entscheidung im Boxring" in 2004. Performed in "Apprentass" in 2004. Performed in "Nick Knatterton - Der Film" in 2005. Played herself in "Das perfekte Promi-Dinner" in 2005. Played herself in "Pochers WM-Countdown" in 2006. Played herself in "Das NRW Duell" in 2006. Played Operationsschwester Maren in "Kunstfehler" in 2006. Played Promiwitz in "ClipCharts" in 2006. Played herself in "ClipCharts" in 2006. Played herself in "Entern oder Kentern" in 2007. Played Anke Dauner in "Ahornallee" in 2007. Played herself in "Das Supertalent - Backstage" in 2008. Played herself in "Das Promi-Kochduell" in 2009.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Michaela Matthieu has: Played Julie in "Screen Two" in 1985. Played Diane Bowen in "Due South" in 1994. Played Grace Keating in "Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science" in 1997. Played Chris Martel in "Falling Fire" in 1997. Played Nursery Nurse in "Doc" in 2001.
Michaela Hinnenthal has: Performed in "Der letzte Zeuge" in 1998. Performed in "Deadly Enemy" in 1999. Played Bella in "Berlin, Berlin" in 2002. Played Mutter von Gregor in "Der alte Affe Angst" in 2003. Played herself in "Casting About" in 2005. Played Claudia in "Jessi" in 2010.
Michaela Denis has: Played Mrs. Armand Denis in "Below the Sahara" in 1953. Played herself in "Filming Wild Animals" in 1954. Played herself in "Under the Southern Cross" in 1955. Performed in "On Safari" in 1957. Played Herself - Naturalist in "Timeshift" in 2002. Played herself in "The Funny Side of..." in 2009.
Michaela Di Cesare has: Performed in "Waiting for Conflict" in 2008. Played Herself - Host in "Board to Death" in 2010. Played Beatrice in "Blame It on Obama" in 2012. Played Emma in "Psych Out" in 2013. Played Karla Palomino in "A Stranger in My Home" in 2013. Played Agent in "Too Tall" in 2014.
Michaela Dean has: Played Lily Bobtail in "Peter Rabbit" in 2012. Played Wonderheart Bear in "Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot" in 2012. Played Daughter in "Meals in Mayhem" in 2012. Played Little White Owl in "Guess How Much I Love You" in 2012. Played Wonderheart Bear in "Care Bears: Totally Sweet Adventures" in 2013.
Michaela Bishop has: Played Classmate in "Dale and the Laughing Turtle" in 2009. Played Lynn in "1 in 3" in 2010. Played Eileen Willard in "Route 66 Zombie Apopcalypse" in 2012. Played Hospital Worker in "Just Crazy Enough" in 2012. Played Marsha Flannigan in "Wolf Head" in 2012. Played Ticket Agent in "Skid" in 2014.
Mara Klein has: Played Grace in "Imperfectly" in 2011. Played Hostess in "Suburgatory" in 2011. Played Chloe in "Chronicles of a Man Child" in 2012. Played Sara in "Nothing in Los Angeles" in 2013. Played Michaela in "Rolling" in 2013.
Michaela Dorfmeister has: Played herself in "Nagano 1998: XVIII Olympic Winter Games" in 1998. Played herself in "Die Millionenshow" in 2000. Played herself in "Turin 2006: XX Olympic Winter Games" in 2006. Played herself in "Wir sind Kaiser" in 2007. Played herself in "Das Rennen" in 2009. Played herself in "Denk Jetzt" in 2011.
Michaela Angela Davis has: Played herself in "Independent Lens" in 1999. Played herself in "VH1 News Presents: Hip Hop Videos - Sexploitation on the Set" in 2005. Played herself in "The Souls of Black Girls" in 2008. Played herself in "D.L. Hughley Breaks the News" in 2008. Played Herself - Host in "MAD Free: Liberating Conversations About Our Image, Beauty and Power with Image Activist Michaela Angela Davis" in 2012. Played Fashion Stylist in "Tonsure" in 2014.
Michaela Eshet has: Performed in "Ahare Hahagim" in 1994. Played Sandy in "Ha-Burganim" in 2000. Played Rachel Gerlik in "Medurat Hashevet" in 2004. Played Woman from Lincoln Street in "Hitganvut Yehidim" in 2010. Played Sima in "Bein HaShmashot" in 2010. Performed in "Tochnit Kebakashtcha" in 2012. Played Ruth in "Ende der Schonzeit" in 2012. Played Bathy in "A Strange Course of Events" in 2013.
Osnat Fishman has: Played The Teacher Shula in "Shemesh" in 1997. Played Talia in "Shabatot VeHagim" in 1999. Played Zohar Shalom in "Haboleshet Hokeret" in 2000. Played Daria in "Nashim" in 2002. Played Lihi in "Ha-Asonot Shel Nina" in 2003. Played Miki in "Michaela" in 2004.
Christine Reinhardt has: Played Michaela Klapper in "Drei von der K" in 1969. Played Irene in "Martina" in 1972. Played Reni Reinhart in "Zur See" in 1977. Played Heidi in "Lachtauben weinen nicht" in 1979. Played Frau Steiger in "Bereitschaft Dr. Federau" in 1988.