Matthieu van Eysden has: Performed in "De jantjes" in 1922. Performed in "Moderne landhaaien" in 1926. Performed in "Artistenrevue" in 1926. Played De Fourier in "Het meisje met den blauwen hoed" in 1934. Played Sergeant mariniers in "Op hoop van zegen" in 1934. Played Piet in "De Big van het regiment" in 1935. Played Marinelli in "Kermisgasten" in 1936. Played Ferdinand in "Komedie om geld" in 1936. Played Doeluttel in "Pygmalion" in 1937. Performed in "Amsterdam bij nacht" in 1937. Played Frans Maasdonk in "Veertig jaren" in 1938. Performed in "Boefje" in 1939. Played De chauffeur Beyer in "Ergens in Nederland" in 1940. Played Kamerdienaar Marcel in "Drie weken huisknecht" in 1944. Performed in "Niet tevergeefs" in 1948. Played Johan van Laar in "Een koninkrijk voor een huis" in 1949. Played Gevangenisdirecteur in "Cesare" in 1958. Performed in "A Dog of Flanders" in 1959. Played Inspecteur De Gooi in "School voor volwassenen" in 1960. Performed in "Bas Boterbloem" in 1960. Played De Mailly in "De twee wezen" in 1962. Played Eerste Oudste in "Het grote begin" in 1963. Played St Gaudens in "Marguerite Gautier" in 1963. Played Koetsier in "Schuld en boete" in 1963. Performed in "Maigret" in 1964. Played Bankdirecteur in "Vrouwtje Bezemsteel" in 1964. Played Donald Ritchie in "Brigadoon" in 1964. Played Jonker Frederik in "Jij en ikke" in 1965. Played Commissaris in "Op straffe des doods" in 1970.
Matthias Schloo has: Played Markus Speichert in "SOKO 5113" in 1978. Played Mattes Seeler in "Der Landarzt" in 1987. Played Patrick Fenton in "Rosamunde Pilcher" in 1993. Played Edward Green in "Rosamunde Pilcher" in 1993. Played Albert Woolbridge in "Rosamunde Pilcher" in 1993. Played Kai Fricke in "Unser Charly" in 1995. Performed in "Tanja" in 1997. Played Felix in "Tanja" in 1997. Played Yannis in "Der Schrei der Liebe" in 1997. Played Thorben Straub in "In aller Freundschaft" in 1998. Played David Ackermann in "Liebe und weitere Katastrophen" in 1999. Played David Kowitz in "Die Traumprinzen" in 2000. Played Jan in "Utta Danella" in 2000. Played Lars Ellermann in "SOKO Leipzig" in 2001. Played Barkeeper in "Abschnitt 40" in 2001. Played Alex Weingart in "Berlin, Berlin" in 2002. Played himself in "Zibb" in 2003. Performed in "Eis im Bauch" in 2004. Played himself in "Sarah Kuttner - Die Show" in 2004. Played Leander Thieme in "SOKO Wismar" in 2004. Played Fabian Plessen (20) in "Damals warst Du still" in 2005. Played Aurel in "LiebesLeben" in 2005. Played Rick in "Der Dicke" in 2005. Played Russel Davis in "Im Tal der wilden Rosen" in 2006. Performed in "Kaltmiete" in 2007. Performed in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Mattes Seeler in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Polizeikommissar Mattes Seeler in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Jan van Schooten in "Herz aus Schokolade" in 2008. Played Nikolaus Berg in "Der letzte Bulle" in 2010. Played Jan Van Schooten in "Traum aus Schokolade" in 2010. Played Tom Sommer in "Der Duft von Holunder" in 2010. Played Paul Korte in "SOKO: Der Prozess" in 2013.
Matthias Schoenaerts has: Played himself in "Cinema 3" in 1984. Played Wannes Scholliers in "Daens" in 1992. Played Jens Goossens in "Flikken" in 1999. Played Rechercheur in "Stille waters" in 2001. Played Oscar in "Meisje" in 2002. Performed in "Waternimf" in 2002. Played Minnaar in "De blauwe roos" in 2002. Played Chouki in "Any Way the Wind Blows" in 2003. Played Man in "Zien" in 2003. Performed in "Gender" in 2004. Played Jaap in "Je veux quelque chose et je ne sais pas quoi" in 2004. Played DJ Cosmonaut X in "Ellektra" in 2004. Played Frits in "A Message from Outer Space" in 2004. Played himself in "Made in Hollywood" in 2005. Played Mattias in "Dochter" in 2005. Played Samuel in "Het einde van de rit" in 2005. Played Edward Monskii in "The One Thing to Do" in 2005. Played Joop in "Zwartboek" in 2006. Played Dennis in "Dennis van Rita" in 2006. Performed in "De muze" in 2007. Played Cornee in "Nadine" in 2007. Played Bob in "Linkeroever" in 2008. Played Alfred Lenaerts (2008) in "De smaak van De Keyser" in 2008. Played John Atkins in "Tunnelrat" in 2008. Played Jef in "Afterday" in 2009. Played Raven in "My Queen Karo" in 2009. Played Vincent Vandeweghe in "Los zand" in 2009. Played Van Dessel in "Injury Time" in 2010. Played Le Gothique en toc in "La meute" in 2010. Played himself in "Duts" in 2010. Played Boyko in "De president" in 2011. Played Ties van Heesch in "De Bende van Oss" in 2011. Played Jacky Vanmarsenille in "Rundskop" in 2011. Played himself in "Lady Dior Web Documentary" in 2012. Played Nathan Rijckx in "Dood van een Schaduw" in 2012. Played Filip in "The Loft" in 2014. Played Eric in "The Drop" in 2014. Played Gabriel Oak in "Far from the Madding Crowd" in 2014. Played Roy Cady in "Galveston" in 2015. Performed in "Candy Store" in 2015. Performed in "Belgica" in 2015.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Matthias Buss has: Played Mitarbeiter KTU in "Tatort" in 1969. Performed in "Der Ausflug" in 2004. Played Sandro Abel in "SOKO Wismar" in 2004. Played Schiffskoch in "Das Feuerschiff" in 2008. Played Frank Endert in "SOKO Stuttgart" in 2009.
Matthias Petersen has: Performed in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Birzer in "Mussolini and I" in 1985. Performed in "Le due croci" in 1988. Performed in "La trappola" in 1989. Performed in "Sekt oder Selters" in 1990. Played Straniero in "Nero come il cuore" in 1991.
Dylan Kasch has: Played Chris Spencer in "ER" in 1994. Played Sammy Simpson in "The Practice" in 1997. Played Child in "Charmed" in 1998. Played Melvin in "In the Light of the Moon" in 2000. Played Matthias in "Choosing Matthias" in 2001. Played Rick in "The Flyboys" in 2008.
Matthias Gibbig has: Played Herr Rothgerber in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Helmut Keller in "Die Oase" in 1993. Played Torsten Hayduk in "Die Gerichtsreporterin" in 1994. Played Opa in "Hart an der Grenze" in 1996. Played Duke of Anjou in "The Virgin Queen" in 2005.
Matthias Uitz has: Played Major in "G.E. True" in 1962. Played Bus Passenger in "Torn Curtain" in 1966. Played Sentry No. 2 in "The Rat Patrol" in 1966. Played Wagner in "Blue Light" in 1966. Played Cab Driver in "Watermelon Man" in 1970. Played Bremen Purser in "The Winds of War" in 1983.
Gerd Grzesczak has: Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Detlef in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Performed in "Killing Blue" in 1988. Played Man With Hat in "A.D.A.M." in 1988. Played Matthias Bronnen in "Wolffs Revier" in 1992.
Matthias Beltz has: Performed in "Scheibenwischer" in 1980. Performed in "Zwei Leben" in 1986. Performed in "Der scharfe Kanal" in 1990. Played Kellner Lutz in "Sommergeschichten" in 1995. Played Sprecher in "Schimanski" in 1997. Performed in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998. Played himself in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998.
Shaun French has: Played Ron Schleede in "Seconds from Disaster" in 2004. Played DoP in "Wrap" in 2009. Played Narrator in "Internet Story" in 2010. Played Guardian of Fear in "Secrets of Angels" in 2010. Played Matthias in "A.B" in 2011.
Emmanuel Garijo has: Played Tanguy in "Salut les homards" in 1988. Played Matthias (1999) in "Redwall" in 1999. Played Arthur teenager (french voice) in "Babar: King of the Elephants" in 1999. Played Matthias in "Redwall" in 1999. Played Bernie in "Corneil et Bernie" in 2003. Played Josh (2005) in "Team Galaxy" in 2005. Played The Knight in "850 meters" in 2013.
Tobias Pippig has: Played Joseph in "Die Kommissarin" in 1994. Played Matthias Wagner in "Stubbe - Von Fall zu Fall" in 1995. Played Joschi Asmus in "Die Rettungsflieger" in 1997. Played Matthias in "Der Hund aus der Elbe" in 1999. Played Dimir Krescov in "Bei aller Liebe" in 2000. Played Rainer in "K3 - Kripo Hamburg" in 2003.
Matthias Leja has: Performed in "Derrick" in 1974. Played Hauptmann Alexander Karuhn in "Die Rettungsflieger" in 1997. Played Major Alexander Karuhn in "Die Rettungsflieger" in 1997. Played Frederico in "Samstag - Sonntag - Montag" in 1998. Performed in "Der Narr und seine Frau heute Abend in Pancomedia" in 2002. Played himself in "Na so was - 40 Jahre ZDF" in 2003.
Kurt Brunner has: Played Postheiri in "Das Menschlein Matthias" in 1941. Performed in "Bieder der Flieger" in 1941. Played Fritz Schulz in "Der letzte Postillon vom St. Gotthard" in 1941. Performed in "Landammann Stauffacher" in 1944. Performed in "Chikita" in 1962.