Karel Brozek has: Performed in "Od vrazdy jenom krok ke lzi" in 1983. Performed in "Antonyho sance" in 1986. Played Pastor in "Playgirls II" in 1995. Performed in "Playgirls" in 1995. Played Groom Frantisek (segment "The Path") in "Co chytnes v zite" in 1999.
Karel Effa has: Played Musician in "Muzikant" in 1948. Played Tipkins in "Americke reseni" in 1953. Played Porotce in "Haskovy povidky ze stareho mocnarstvi" in 1954. Played Taxi driver in "Cirkus bude" in 1955. Played Postman in "Muz v povetri" in 1956. Played Egon Zejda - guitarist in "Hvezda jede na jih" in 1958. Played Janek in "Az prijde kocour" in 1963. Performed in "Sparta-Slavia" in 1964. Performed in "Pan Tau" in 1970. Played Varlet in "Noc na Karlstejne" in 1974. Played Zrizenec in "Nemocnice na kraji mesta" in 1977. Played Hofgesellschaft in "Taugenichts" in 1978. Performed in "Hodinarova svatebni cesta koralovym morem" in 1979. Played Monteur in "Lucie, postrach ulice" in 1980. Played Pepa in "Buldoci a tresne" in 1981. Played Czechoslovakian Actor in "Amadeus" in 1984. Played Prinzipal in "Perinbaba" in 1985. Played Liborek in "Figurky ze smantu" in 1987.
Karel Gott has: Performed in "Zum blauen Bock" in 1957. Played himself in "Zum blauen Bock" in 1957. Played Singer in "Musik aus Studio B" in 1961. Played himself in "Babiccina krabicka" in 1963. Played himself in "Komedie s Klikou" in 1964. Played Singer in "Die Drehscheibe" in 1964. Played himself in "Hallo Satchmo" in 1965. Played himself in "Die Rudi Carrell Show" in 1965. Performed in "Revue v mlze" in 1966. Played Singer in "Starparade" in 1968. Played Himself - Austrian Entry: 13th Place in "The Eurovision Song Contest" in 1968. Played himself in "Hee Haw" in 1969. Played Singer in "Das Sonntagskonzert" in 1969. Played himself in "ZDF Hitparade" in 1969. Performed in "ZDF Hitparade" in 1969. Played Performer in "Zomercarroussel" in 1970. Played Singer in "Drei mal neun" in 1970. Played Himself - Singer in "Anneliese Rothenberger gibt sich die Ehre" in 1971. Played himself in "Ein Kessel Buntes" in 1972. Played himself in "III nach neun" in 1974. Played himself in "Romance za korunu" in 1975. Performed in "Filmmusik aus deutschen Landen" in 1976. Played Himself - Singer in "Da capo Ivan" in 1977. Played himself in "Parta hic" in 1977. Played himself in "30 panen a Pythagoras" in 1977. Performed in "Jetzt geht die Party richtig los" in 1978. Played himself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Played Himself (1983) in "WWF Club" in 1980. Played Singer in "Aber Doktor" in 1980. Played Singer in "Wunderland" in 1983. Played Singer in "Die Super-Hitparade" in 1983. Played Singer in "Die Zukunft hat Geburtstag - 100 Jahre Automobil" in 1986. Played himself in "Karel Gott" in 1988. Performed in "Ein Star und seine Stadt" in 1990. Played himself in "Ein Star und seine Stadt" in 1990. Performed in "The Best of Big Helga" in 1991. Played himself in "Riverboat - Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig" in 1992. Played himself in "Zauberhafte Heimat" in 1993. Played himself in "Feste der Volksmusik" in 1994. Played himself in "Kalkofes Mattscheibe" in 1994. Played himself in "Eso" in 1994. Played himself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 1995. Played Karel Gott in "Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast" in 1997. Played himself in "Die Johannes B. Kerner Show" in 1998. Played himself in "Hogo fogo" in 2000. Played himself in "Dobroty" in 2001. Played himself in "Musikantendampfer" in 2003. Played himself in "Die 70er Show" in 2003. Played himself in "Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel" in 2004. Played himself in "Partie" in 2005. Played himself in "Anno 2006" in 2007. Performed in "Danke Dieter Thomas Heck" in 2007. Played Chefarzt in "Taco und Kaninchen" in 2008. Played himself in "Nestyda" in 2008. Played himself in "Comeback" in 2008. Played himself in "Anno 2007" in 2008. Played himself in "Karneval na Barrandove" in 2009. Played himself in "Veni, vidi, vici" in 2009. Played himself in "JUDr. Michal Danisovic" in 2010. Played himself in "Adela show" in 2010. Played himself in "Anno 2009" in 2010. Played himself in "Prominenti" in 2010. Played himself in "Fernsehlieblinge" in 2010. Played himself in "Talentmania" in 2010. Played himself in "Slovenka roka 2010" in 2010. Played himself in "Top Star" in 2011. Played himself in "Hlas Cesko Slovenska" in 2012. Played himself in "Changes" in 2013.
Karel Greif has: Performed in "Paragrafy na kolech" in 1984. Played Michal in "Tri princezny tanecnice" in 1984. Performed in "Zvonokosy" in 1990. Played Bernard in "Popel a hvezdy" in 1990. Played Pepa in "Pofoukej mi jahody" in 1991. Played Janek in "Tajomstvo stastia" in 1995. Performed in "Politik a herecka" in 2001.
Karel Richter has: Played Tomik in "Kluci na rece" in 1944. Played LCpl. Venda in "Akce B" in 1952. Played Narrator in "Julius Fucik" in 1953. Played Boy in Street in "Expres z Norimberka" in 1954. Played French in "Nevera" in 1956. Played Narrator in "Johanes Doktor Faust" in 1958. Played Yellow Pete in "Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven" in 2002.
Karel Stepanek has: Performed in "Ein Lieb, ein Dieb, ein Warenhaus" in 1928. Performed in "Berlin-Alexanderplatz - Die Geschichte Franz Biberkopfs" in 1931. Played Jackson in "Spione im Savoy-Hotel" in 1932. Played Kellner Leopold in "Walzerkrieg" in 1933. Played Ladewig in "Die Werft zum Grauen Hecht" in 1935. Played Hans, ein junger Komponist in "Potpourri" in 1936. Performed in "Der Schauspieldirektor" in 1937. Played Korporal Tschepski in "Signal in der Nacht" in 1937. Played Dance Master in "Klatovsti dragouni" in 1937. Played Oberbeleuchter Brandt in "Es leuchten die Sterne" in 1938. Played Felix in "Der Florentiner Hut" in 1939. Played Degrais, Leutnant in "Das Stilett" in 1939. Played Franz in "Hotel Sacher" in 1939. Played Hans Giebel in "Die kluge Schwiegermutter" in 1939. Played Rechtsanwalt in "Das Abenteuer geht weiter" in 1940. Played Clubdiener in "Alles Schwindel" in 1940. Played Kellner in "Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten" in 1941. Played Major Lang in "Secret Mission" in 1942. Played Seitz in "Tomorrow We Live" in 1943. Played Franz von Brinkman in "Escape to Danger" in 1943. Played Riccardo in "They Met in the Dark" in 1943. Played Forster in "The Captive Heart" in 1946. Played First Secretary in "The Fallen Idol" in 1948. Played Prof. Inman, Nazi Psychiatrist in "Counterblast" in 1948. Played Swiss Officer in "Broken Journey" in 1948. Played Actor at Josefstadt Theater in "The Third Man" in 1949. Played Jaroslav in "Give Us This Day" in 1949. Played Schroeder in "Golden Arrow" in 1949. Played Radek in "Conspirator" in 1949. Played Edouardo Pavlis in "Cairo Road" in 1950. Played Committee chairman in "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" in 1950. Played Dr. Revo in "State Secret" in 1950. Played Dr. Schutzmacher in "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" in 1950. Played Richard Carling in "The Third Visitor" in 1951. Played Mannheim in "No Highway" in 1951. Played Victor in "Omnibus" in 1952. Played Walters in "Affair in Trinidad" in 1952. Played Petros in "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents" in 1953. Played Commissar in "Never Let Me Go" in 1953. Played Dwight Trevor in "City Beneath the Sea" in 1953. Played Julio in "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents" in 1953. Played Voss in "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents" in 1953. Played Diss in "Rough Shoot" in 1953. Played Manager in "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents" in 1953. Played Alfred Dykemann in "The Final Twist" in 1954. Played Pliny in "Dangerous Cargo" in 1954. Played Pliny in "ITV Television Playhouse" in 1955. Played Dr. Harsen in "ITV Play of the Week" in 1955. Played Lom in "Man of the Moment" in 1955. Played Colonel Geraldine in "Lilli Palmer Theatre" in 1955. Played Zelinsky in "Secret Venture" in 1955. Played Zachmann in "A Prize of Gold" in 1955. Played Assistant Gestapo Officer in "The Cockleshell Heroes" in 1955. Played Joseph of Cordoba in "The Adventures of Robin Hood" in 1955. Played Dmitri Balinkev in "The Man in the Road" in 1956. Played Pete Zavras in "Armchair Theatre" in 1956. Played Lt. Voljac in "Assignment Foreign Legion" in 1956. Played Dr. Charles Hodek in "Colonel March of Scotland Yard" in 1956. Played Mikhail Vlados in "Anastasia" in 1956. Performed in "Armchair Theatre" in 1956. Played Langford in "West of Suez" in 1957. Played Major Rutkowski in "There Shall Be No Night" in 1957. Played Mayor Friederich Suderman in "The Traitor" in 1957. Played Professor Remi in "No Hiding Place" in 1959. Played Dr. Braun in "Our Man in Havana" in 1959. Played Diamond Merchant in "Operation Amsterdam" in 1959. Performed in "Our House" in 1960. Played Baranow in "Schachnovelle" in 1960. Played Captain Dornberger in "Wernher von Braun" in 1960. Played Baron in "Zeit der Schuldlosen" in 1961. Played Vater Stoddard in "90 Minuten nach Mitternacht" in 1962. Performed in "Aufstand der Gehorsamen" in 1963. Played Dr. Heller in "Devil Doll" in 1964. Played Prof. Hoffer in "Operation Crossbow" in 1965. Played Carl Reinhardt in "The Troubleshooters" in 1965. Played Hartmuller in "The Heroes of Telemark" in 1965. Played Henrik Jacobsen in "Licensed to Kill" in 1965. Played Colonel Cenci in "Court Martial" in 1965. Played General Lubeck in "The Frozen Dead" in 1966. Played Inspector Wagner in "Sperrbezirk" in 1966. Played Count Kerassy in "Before Winter Comes" in 1969. Played Mueller in "The File of the Golden Goose" in 1969. Played Kubitsek in "The Games" in 1970. Played Count Derassy in "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me" in 1971.
Irena Karel has: Played Party Attendant in "Pingwin" in 1965. Played Irena in "Stajnia na Salvatorze" in 1967. Played Lutzi in "Stawka wieksza niz zycie" in 1967. Performed in "Bicz bozy" in 1967. Performed in "Paryz - Warszawa bez wizy" in 1967. Played Linda in "Kiedy milosc byla zbrodnia" in 1968. Played Krystyna in "Poradnik matrymonialny" in 1968. Played Tekla in "Wilcze echa" in 1968. Played Ewa Nowowiejska in "Pan Wolodyjowski" in 1969. Played Sgt. Magda Seniuk in "Rzeczpospolita babska" in 1969. Performed in "Mistrz tanca" in 1969. Played Niusia in "Nowy" in 1970. Played Juana in "Signale - Ein Weltraumabenteuer" in 1970. Played Opiekunka staruszki in "Pejzaz z bohaterem" in 1971. Played Teresa in "Chlopi" in 1972. Played Krysia in "Czterdziestolatek" in 1973. Played Matylda Strumf in "Dulscy" in 1976. Played Aktorka Krystyna in "Skazany" in 1976. Played Gazhina in "Izgori, za da svetish" in 1976. Played The Passenger in "Kochaj albo rzuc" in 1977. Played Brenda in "Umiray samo v kraen sluchay" in 1978. Played Nurse Irina in "Lekcja martwego jezyka" in 1979. Played Cashier on Airport in "Mis" in 1981. Played Queen of Dolls in "Akademia pana Kleksa" in 1984. Played Bozena Kamicka in "W labiryncie" in 1988. Played Zosia, Guest at the Party in "Sztuka kochania" in 1989. Played Dona Doleckiego in "Sukces" in 2000. Played Janina Borosiukowa in "Plebania" in 2000. Played Reporterka radiowa in "Bajland" in 2000. Played Jola in "Przystan" in 2009.
Immanuel Lemmens has: Played Pieter-Jan in "Familie" in 1991. Performed in "Vermist" in 2008. Played Son in "Toys Are Dangerous" in 2009. Played Oswald (Os) in "Galaxy Park" in 2011. Played Oswald (Os) Vermeire in "Galaxy Park" in 2011. Played Karel in "Binnenstebuiten" in 2013.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Karel Mares has: Played himself in "Konkurs" in 1964. Played Karel in "O slavnosti a hostech" in 1966. Played German Mounted Infantry Lieutenant in "The Bridge at Remagen" in 1969. Performed in "Pan Tau" in 1970. Played Professor of singing in "Hvezda pada vzhuru" in 1975.
Karel Hasler has: Played JUDr. Frantisek Uher in "Batalion" in 1927. Played Maran in "Adjunkt Vrba" in 1929. Played Hugo Strindberg in "Srdce za pisnicku" in 1933. Played Chodec in "Jarni pisnieka" in 1937. Played Karel Hasler in "Za tichych noci" in 1941.
Jaroslav Klenot has: Performed in "Sarajevski atentat" in 1975. Played Fighter in "Katerina a jeji deti" in 1975. Performed in "Smrt stoparek" in 1979. Performed in "Signum Laudis" in 1980. Played Brozek in "Slavnosti snezenek" in 1984.
Karel Sebesta has: Played Friedrich in "...a pozdravuji vlastovky" in 1972. Played Hromada in "Hriste" in 1976. Played Soldier in "Soldaat van Oranje" in 1977. Played Wiederman in "Romaneto" in 1980. Performed in "Pan Tau - Der Film" in 1988.
Karel Cernoch has: Played Waller in "Na lane" in 1963. Played Ridic autobusu in "Strach" in 1964. Played Clen kapely in "Bylo ctvrt a bude pul" in 1968. Played Singer in "Europarty" in 1969. Played Karel Sova in "Zpevaci na kraji nemocnice" in 1982. Performed in "Ahmed a Hazar" in 1991.
Karel Vereertbruggen has: Played Dichter in "Buiten de Zone" in 1994. Played Noble suitor in "Kulderzipken" in 1995. Played Nobleman in "Kulderzipken" in 1995. Played himself in "De leukste eeuw van..." in 2002. Played himself in "De klas van Frieda" in 2010.
Kelley Karel has: Played Singer in "Exorcist II: The Heretic" in 1977. Played Linda Vesley in "The Day the Clown Cried" in 2010. Played Claudia in "Another Thief" in 2011. Played Rose in "David at Home" in 2011. Played Vernita Malprave in "Cloak and Dagger" in 2012.
Karel de Rooij has: Performed in "Bij Dorus op visite" in 1968. Played Inpakpiet in "Sinterklaas is jarig" in 1977. Played Mini in "Mini en Maxie in concert" in 1986. Played Gordon in "De wandelaar" in 1989. Played Sancho Panza in "Don Quichot" in 2010.
Karel Sekera has: Played Hangman in "Rozhovory" in 1969. Played Velitel 3. roty in "Sokolovo" in 1975. Performed in "Sarajevski atentat" in 1975. Played Propilvoves in "Lakomec" in 1978. Performed in "Outsider" in 1987. Performed in "Kopytem sem, kopytem tam" in 1989. Performed in "Czarny wawoz" in 1989.
Karel De Gucht has: Played himself in "De zevende dag" in 1988. Played himself in "De show van het jaar 2006" in 2006. Played Himself - Candidate in "Beste vrienden" in 2006. Played himself in "Phara" in 2008. Played himself in "De schuld van VTM" in 2009.
Miroslav Masopust has: Performed in "Popel" in 1969. Played driver Karel in "Dnes v jednom dome" in 1979. Played Singer in "Tanecek pres dve pekla" in 1982. Played Solicitor Petrik in "Podfuk" in 1985. Played Karel Capek - Writer in "Gottwald" in 1986. Performed in "Panic je nanic" in 2006.
Karel Smyczek has: Performed in "Pochodne" in 1960. Played Michal in "Holubice" in 1960. Performed in "Pozor vola liska..." in 1962. Played Rokos in "Jako jed" in 1986. Performed in "Cesta peklem" in 1995. Played Wanderer in "Lotrando a Zubejda" in 1997. Performed in "Muz s duchem" in 1999. Performed in "Hexensus" in 2013.