Jordi Beltran has: Played himself in "La edad de oro" in 1983. Played Himself - Host in "Arsenal" in 1985. Played Monitor in "Boom Boom" in 1990. Played Entrevistador in "Pirata" in 1999. Played himself in "La meva" in 2013.
Jordi Estadella has: Played Himself - Host in "Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez" in 1972. Played Himself - Host (1988-1989) in "Filiprim" in 1986. Played Gran Druixot in "Los aurones" in 1986. Played Langostino (1987) in "Langostino" in 1987. Played Gran Druixot in "La tribu de los aurones" in 1988. Played himself in "Club Disney" in 1989. Performed in "Sauna" in 1990. Played himself in "Pasa la vida" in 1991. Played himself in "Persones humanes" in 1993. Played Tito B. Diagonal in "Tal cual" in 1993. Played himself in "Los unos y los otros" in 1994. Played Himself - Host in "Grand Slam" in 1994. Played Himself - Host in "Esto no es lo que parece" in 1994. Played himself in "Fuerzas ocultas" in 1995. Played Himself - Host in "39 premis Sant Jordi de cinematografia" in 1995. Played himself in "Tarda de Sant Jordi" in 1997. Played Himself - Host in "Perdona nuestros pecados" in 1998. Played Goomer in "Goomer" in 1999. Played himself in "Audacia" in 2000. Played Himself - Host in "PremiosTP de Oro 1999" in 2000. Played himself in "Pasapalabra" in 2000. Played himself in "La columna" in 2000. Played Himself - Host in "Gala TP de Oro 1999" in 2000. Played himself in "Gala TP de Oro 2000" in 2001. Played himself in "TeleMonegal" in 2003. Played himself in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004. Played himself in "VI premios ATV" in 2004. Played himself in "Tvist" in 2005. Played himself in "La imagen de tu vida" in 2006. Played himself in "La rentadora" in 2006. Performed in "La tele de tu vida" in 2007. Played himself in "Mania" in 2007. Played himself in "La tele de tu vida" in 2007. Played himself in "Banda sonora" in 2007. Played himself in "Passaport BCN" in 2008. Played himself in "1 quart de 3" in 2008.
Jordi Figueras has: Performed in "Solitud" in 1991. Played Quim in "Poble Nou" in 1994. Performed in "La festa del blat" in 1996. Performed in "Rosa, la lluita" in 1996. Played Maurici in "Laura" in 1998. Played himself in "A escena" in 2009. Played himself in "Vespre a la 2" in 2013.
Jordi Labanda has: Played himself in "La columna" in 2000. Played himself in "...Amb Manel Fuentes" in 2004. Played himself in "Senyores i senyors" in 2004. Played himself in "La tarda" in 2005. Played himself in "Tvist" in 2005. Played himself in "Leonart" in 2006. Played himself in "D-Calle" in 2006. Played himself in "Banda sonora" in 2007. Played himself in "50 anys en companyia" in 2009.
Jordi Llompart has: Played himself in "Betes i films" in 1990. Played himself in "La Lloll" in 1993. Performed in "La Lloll" in 1993. Played himself in "Malalts de tele" in 1997. Played himself in "TeleMonegal" in 2003. Played himself in "Senyores i senyors" in 2004. Played himself in "Tvist" in 2005. Played himself in "Qwerty" in 2007. Played himself in "51 premis Sant Jordi de cinematografia" in 2007. Played himself in "Banda sonora" in 2007. Played himself in "Passaport BCN" in 2008. Played himself in "1 quart de 3" in 2008. Played himself in "Divendres" in 2009. Played himself in "Sala 33" in 2009. Played himself in "No me la puc treure del cap" in 2010. Played Himself - Host in "El debat de BTV" in 2010.
Jordi Rico has: Played himself in "Tvist" in 2005. Performed in "Brokebike Mountain" in 2007. Played Ejecutivo in "El espejo" in 2008. Performed in "Vinagre" in 2008. Played himself in "A escena" in 2009. Played Serrallac in "Les veus del Pamano" in 2009. Played Isidre in "Ull per ull" in 2010. Played Jean Marie Raymond in "Tierra de lobos" in 2010. Played himself in "Compte enrere" in 2011. Played Gombau in "Ermessenda" in 2011. Performed in "Tots volem el millor per a ella" in 2013. Played Street Clown 2 in "Marioneta ciega" in 2013. Played Felipe in "Perdona si te llamo amor" in 2014.
Jordi Coca has: Played himself in "Terenci a la fresca" in 1981. Played himself in "La palmera" in 1988. Played himself in "Dret a parlar" in 1993. Played himself in "Alexandria" in 2003. Played himself in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004. Played himself in "A escena" in 2009. Played himself in "Via llibre" in 2011. Played himself in "Institut del Teatre, els primers 100 anys" in 2013.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Reede Fox has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011. Performed in "How TV Ruined Your Life" in 2011. Played herself in "Storm Babes TV" in 2011.
Punya Das has: Performed in "Aashirwad" in 1968. Performed in "Bhuvan Shome" in 1969. Performed in "Suhana Safar" in 1970. Performed in "Abhinetri" in 1970. Performed in "Nadaan" in 1971.
Jordi Bas has: Played himself in "30 minuts" in 1984. Played Rafael in "Sinatra" in 1988. Played Figueras in "La punyalada" in 1990. Performed in "La femme et le pantin" in 1992. Played Sisniega in "Makinavaja" in 1995. Played himself in "Redes" in 1996.
Jordi Padrosa has: Performed in "Periodistas" in 1998. Performed in "El comisario" in 1999. Played Omar in "Nudos" in 2003. Played Imanol in "Noviembre" in 2003. Performed in "Rossita" in 2005. Performed in "Lex" in 2008.
Jordi Estivill has: Performed in "Galeria oberta" in 1985. Played Policeman - Old Movie in "Angustia" in 1987. Played FAP 2 in "El complot dels anells" in 1988. Performed in "Els savis de Vilatrista" in 1992. Performed in "La dama enamorada" in 1993.
Jordi Llimona has: Played himself in "Benvinguts" in 1984. Played himself in "La vida en un xip" in 1989. Played himself in "Dret a parlar" in 1993. Played himself in "Tarda de Sant Jordi" in 1997. Played himself in "En directe, Mari Pau" in 1998.
Jordi Royo has: Performed in "Sputnik" in 1989. Played Presentador TV in "Poble Nou" in 1994. Played Alfredo Panadero in "Pepe Carvalho" in 1999. Played Fuentes in "Temps de silenci" in 2001. Performed in "Carta mortal" in 2003. Played Capataz in "Las aventuras de Tadeo Jones" in 2012.
Jordi Cumellas has: Played Quique in "Un caso para dos" in 1997. Performed in "Jet Lag" in 2001. Played Poli bueno in "Arte" in 2007. Played Father in "Entre nous" in 2008. Played Conserge in "53 premis Sant Jordi de cinematografia" in 2009. Performed in "Un golpe de suerte" in 2009.
Jordi Petit has: Played himself in "Informe sobre el FAGC" in 1979. Played himself in "El mirall" in 1990. Played himself in "Bon dia, Catalunya" in 1992. Played himself in "Tal cual" in 1993. Played himself in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004.
Jordi Soriano has: Performed in "Plats bruts" in 1999. Played Vigilant in "El cor de la ciutat" in 2000. Played Segurata in "El cor de la ciutat" in 2000. Played Watson in "Leonart" in 2006. Played Home in "La Riera" in 2010.
Jordi Bayona has: Performed in "Knock Out" in 1973. Performed in "Arri, arri" in 1976. Performed in "El zapato" in 1980. Played himself in "Cinema 3" in 1984. Performed in "El sistema de Robert Hein" in 1986. Performed in "Perfidia" in 1991. Played Ciclista in "Nexo" in 1995.
Jordi Amat has: Performed in "Los ladrones van a la oficina" in 1993. Played (2000) in "Plaza Alta" in 1998. Played Camionero 1 in "Celos" in 1999. Played Guardia Seguridad de Bancosol in "La caja 507" in 2002. Performed in "La que se avecina" in 2007.
Jordi Sabater Pi has: Played himself in "30 minuts" in 1984. Played himself in "Personal i intransferible" in 1991. Played himself in "Los desayunos de TVE" in 1994. Played himself in "Redes" in 1996. Played himself in "BCN Magazine" in 2001. Played himself in "(S)avis" in 2008.
Jordi Mercader has: Played Himself - Panelist in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004. Played Himself - Guest in "8 al dia" in 2011. Played Himself - Panelist in "8 al dia" in 2011. Played Himself - Panelist in "La Rambla" in 2012. Played Himself - Panelist in "Vespre a la 2" in 2013.